London Riots

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Congay, Aug 8, 2011.

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  1. Chewy

    Chewy I'd fist it

    Nov 16, 2002
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    The Bronx
  2. Earl Grey

    Earl Grey time for tea

    Dec 2, 2004
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    hugging trees , if you dont like it , fuck off , i
    gutted i havent got my tv ariel up yet since newyearsday - ive missed all the libya stuff - the nuclear powerstation meltdown - the earthquakes - now the roits on the news - i dont buy papers ethier

    on another note - it doesnt realy dent my bubble of joy i live in which is good

    keep it coming lads , i think u are all posting these things as a wind up
  3. Chewy

    Chewy I'd fist it

    Nov 16, 2002
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    The Bronx
    TV news is rubbish Earl...... social media is where you find the real stuff out
  4. Earl Grey

    Earl Grey time for tea

    Dec 2, 2004
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    hugging trees , if you dont like it , fuck off , i
    you get both sides of storys

    thou i did just watch a vid of loads of muslims outside the hospital where them 3 blokes where dead , very sad

    its isnt going to be long before some proper radge packets do some real harm to others
  5. TheSpence

    TheSpence Registered User

    Oct 16, 2002
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    We don’t need the army – we need the order to ‘charge’

    August 9, 2011 by inspectorgadget

    UPDATE 07:50 Hrs
    London fire fighter pulled off her motorcycle, punched in the face and threatened with a gun in Clapham last night on her way in. London Fire Brigade recieved 2,200 ’999′ calls, 15 times their usual demand.
    ‘Police have become so sensitive to the issue of race that it is impairing their ability to do the job’ argues the Daily Telegraph.
    06:30 Hrs – Somewhere in England
    Where we are, they burned down Mothercare. I thought that was ironic.
    The arson damage is quite unlike anything I have ever seen, even in Belfast in the bad old days. It is important that this is not under-reported, the scenes of damage are quite extraordinary.
    I have spoken to many law-abiding members of the public. Feelings are running very high against local youths. People are displaying hatred and frustration, flavoured by a fair amount of racism. I don’t think there is an appetite for funding any further assistance to the part of the community which caused this.
    The overwhelming feeling is that major force should be used now, before things get completely out of hand. People are worried they will die in their houses. The arson threat is everywhere. There is a lot of frustration about lack of police attendance until we tell them we are from Ruralshire, then they are just silent as the implications of this sink in.
    We have heard about the armoured vehicles in Clapham, which cleared the street in minutes. We want to carry out a baton charge at a line of angry youths who are setting fire to a huge wheelie bin in the doorway of a post office, but we are told to ‘hold the line’.
    At the briefing, many of my officers wanted cast-iron guarantees from Silver Command that no individual officers would be suspended and prosecuted if we use force and a rioter became seriously injured.
    This was not forthcoming. There are at least 12 County forces here now,‘Remember Tomlinson’ was being whispered everywhere at the FCP.
    Many people are becoming very angry that we refuse to move our lines and baton charge the rioters. I have run around like a blue arsed fly trying to understand why we are being ordered to stay static; the only explanation I can find is that Gold Command are concerned about the sensitivity of the target group.
    The scenes in front of us give a physical proof of everything we have ever saidon this Blog about lack of consequences, weak criminal justice systems, nonsensical diversity policies which give ‘victim status’ to the mob and silly, target obsessed politically driven ACPO leadership. I never thought I’d see the results of all that actually burned on to the streets in front of me.
    My final comment for the moment at 06:48 Hrs is that whatever you have seen on the TV, the reality is much, much worse. Front line police officers have been desperately trying to highlight the inherent weakness of our policing system for years. As I have said many times: Police State? Don’t make me laugh.
    Huge respect to the Fire Service and Ambulance Service. We also have over 300 bodies in custody; no chance of that number going to prison, we don’t have the space any more. Malthouse wants them in front of the Courts as soon as possible. So they can be bailed straight away no doubt….
  6. Earl Grey

    Earl Grey time for tea

    Dec 2, 2004
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    hugging trees , if you dont like it , fuck off , i
  7. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    Will we see a incrase in "Gated comunitys" like in American, where the rich and white hide away from the underclass with 24hr security? If so put me down for one 4 bedder
  8. Earl Grey

    Earl Grey time for tea

    Dec 2, 2004
    Likes Received:
    hugging trees , if you dont like it , fuck off , i
  9. Earl Grey

    Earl Grey time for tea

    Dec 2, 2004
    Likes Received:
    hugging trees , if you dont like it , fuck off , i
    stanley is ok - its one big hillbilly hole - argos bargin clearanc e is an asset , we wouldnt want to rob the place
  10. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    I travel for nearly a hour to get to clearance bargins. whats happened to fat security guard tho we used to have a right laugh about the wedge i spent there. havent seen him for ages :(
  11. TheSpence

    TheSpence Registered User

    Oct 16, 2002
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    kdtalk karen doyle

    Big difference between sikhs/muslims protecting mosques/businesses and EDL making no go areas for BME communities
  12. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    Iv just had word the three dead are our Punjabi Brothers. The shit is going to hit the fan now. Sikh's will be out for revenge tonight :(
  13. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    Can I just say how heartening it is to see the proud Sikhs speak so calmly and hold theirselfs in such a composed way. Also standing together as a NON THREATENING force and community. Showing their religion only with a small badge or orange headband. So freshing!
    james909 and Earl Grey like this.
  14. Chewy

    Chewy I'd fist it

    Nov 16, 2002
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    The Bronx
  15. Magpie

    Magpie Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    Good old Maggie, eh? She sorted out those pesky unions, holding the country to ransom. And, bless her; she let you buy your own council house. Hey, you even managed to get yourself a piece of the ‘shareholding democracy’ when she sold off the utilities and telecoms so her fat cat mates in the City could get ever richer.

    “There is no such thing as society” she intoned and you lapped it up, eagerly, as you bought into the culture of greed is good. You were happy bowing to the rule of profit, all hail the wealth creators!

    The miners’ strike? Fuck ‘em, right? You scabbed and even gloated about doing so. Waving your wage packet from the safety of the reinforced bus as the police escorted you through.

    Once Maggie got through with Arthur, she started on the steel industries, the civil service, nurses, teachers, you name it. Anything to eradicate even a semblance of solidarity and collective action. You urged her on, voted her in three times, licking your lips as an extra holiday a year became a reality. A new car every three years and, Christ, check out your pension, Mr Fat Wallet! Let the good times roll! Yep, she changed Britain forever and Tony Blair, or Tory Plan B, to use an appropriate anagram, carried on her work. Extended it, deepened it and made it unassailable for another decade at least.

    By 2000, the Thatcher revolution was complete. Solidarity, collective endeavour and helping your neighbour, all wiped from the cultural landscape along with the once-thriving and vibrant communities that spawned those ideals and kept them alive. Of course, there were a few downsides for you, a few niggling doubts starting to set in. Pension looking very shaky all of a sudden, your meagre shares worthless and your Mum’s new hip postponed three times as the NHS cuts, sorry, ‘reforms’, really started to bite.

    And then, horror of horrors, the markets crashed, your house price fell and, almost before you knew it, there were mobs of feral youths rampaging around outside. Burning your car and pissing through your letterbox. Youths that were the second and third generations from the communities you helped destroy. After all, a penny extra on your income tax to subsidise inner city scum? Fuck that!

    Youths brainwashed and conditioned by the collective sum of thirty years consumerist propaganda. You gotta have ‘stuff’, you gotta have money and ‘things’. Sadly, they lacked the education to join the dots. Couldn’t work out why their schools were closed or the funding cut, as teachers, scape-goated by successive governments struggled to make a difference, all the while trying to defend their own jobs, pay and conditions. Ditto the firemen, nurses, dinner ladies et al…

    Yeah, they wanted the ‘stuff’ but how? No job, no chance of one, university maybe? Slog your balls off to end up thirty grand in debt, ready to stack shelves on minimum wage or join all the other degree holders on the dole. Besides, they were ‘scum’, ‘chavs’ ‘feral pond life’ ‘scroungers’ and ‘criminals’, right? Condemned, alienated, cut off and excluded from society, they created their own. Based on imported gang culture, violence, drugs. Where fear, respect and having a ‘rep’ became the aspirations to replace the ones from which they’d been cut off.

    And so now you cower in your devalued house, the one with negative equity, bleating that it’s not fair! That these animals aren’t political! They’re just greedy, immoral, violent thugs! Of course they are. What else could they be? You supported the wiping out of entire communities and the destruction of entire industries if it stood in the way of an extra few quid in your pocket, caring only for yourself. Why should the looting scum be any different? You never gave a shit for anyone but yourself, why should they?

    So you cry for the firemen to put out the blaze engulfing your home, the firemen you scorned and sneered at when they were on strike, asking for your support. You need an ambulance now as the Mrs has keeled over with all the stress, terror and horror of the last few days. The same ambulance men you thought should be privatised, cut and sacked. After all, why should you have to pay for anything from your taxes?

    You made this happen. You and the millions of selfish, greedy, short sighted bastards just like you. You got the world you created, the world you deserved. So suck it up. Stop snivelling. Stop your hypocritical cries of outrage and moral indignation. Everything has to be paid for, yeah? Well, you had yours and now you’ve got the bill. Time to pay…
  16. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    fucking hell Alan i thought u had beaten MKat
  17. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    The looters were clearly a by product of the Thatcher era.

    The people coming together with brooms and supporting their community were clearly a by product of 12 odd years of Labour being in power.

    Those neither looting, nor clearing up, were clearly a by product of the 'laissez faire' policies of the governments of the early 1930's that ultimately led to the rise of Hitler.
  18. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    Bollocks they are too young,

    its since corpral punishment was stopped in schools, kids stopping get smacked by parents, kids being able to use "human rights" to stop getting shpouted at or even letting them sit out sports class in case they finished on the losing side and felt a bit sad. The PC brigade is also MASSIVLY to blame, you can do this you cant do that think of his human rights etc etc. This is the product of the ninetys, you brought up spoilt, arsey untouchable FUCKS and now your reaping it.

    Iv being saying it for years its all gone to meltdown, now i feel like the smug Prepper sitting in his country retreat while the citys burn

  19. TheSpence

    TheSpence Registered User

    Oct 16, 2002
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  20. TheSpence

    TheSpence Registered User

    Oct 16, 2002
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