Countersigning Passports?!? Does anyone know if a senior receptionist employed by the NHS is acceptable to sign a passport??
Don't think a receptionist can and friends of over 5 years can as long as they are employed by the state!?? Teachers, doctors, civil servants and the like!
no a receptionist cant sign and im not to sure about the friends over 5 years bit... solicitors and judges can sign as well but you will find they can charge up to £55 depending on where you go and they need to have known you over 2years i sent a few emails tooHERE if you have previously had a passport and havent changed dramatically since the laast photo they you shouldnt need to get anything signed
I can counter sign passports now. Woop! Not had to do it yet like! Are you still at college or anything? Your tutor or boss could sign it couldnt they?