Increasing confidence for the unemployed

Discussion in 'News & Current Affairs' started by claire, Mar 13, 2007.

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  1. claire

    claire Beautifully Bad

    Dec 8, 2005
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    Leamington Spa
    Increasing confidence for the unemployed

    More than one million immigrants are working in Britain, according to official figures. Double that, add in the date of your mum's birthday and your mobile phone number and you'll probably be somewhere nearer the truth.
    We are told that we have to import all these foreign nationals to fill the avalanche of jobs created by the Gordon Brown economic miracle.

    These are vacancies which the British can't or won't fill, it is alleged.

    Why not? At the last count there were estimated to be five million people under the age of retirement who are classified as "economically inactive".

    This includes the unemployed, the unemployable and those claiming to be incapacitated.

    But there is absolutely no reason why anyone should be out of work in Britain today. There are jobs aplenty, even if it means - in Norman Tebbit's memorable term - getting on your bike.

    Is there no one of British birth living in the Morecambe Bay area who is capable of picking a cockle? When I worked in East Anglia, the sugar beet managed to get harvested without the aid of the Chinese.

    There must be someone signing on in South London who could manage to push a mop round a hotel bathroom.

    Why aren't able-bodied young men queuing up to train as plumbers and bricklayers instead of collecting the dole? Eastern Europeans seem to have little difficulty finding work on building sites.

    It was claimed yesterday that you can't get a plumber for love nor money in Poland because they've all moved here.

    I don't blame any immigrant who wants to come to Britain for a better life and is prepared to get his hands dirty.

    But there wouldn't be so much work for them if so many of the indigenous population weren't bone idle.

    We used to have a word for the long-term unemployed - workshy. And as for all those claiming incapacity benefit, they can't all be off with bad backs.

    Let's acknowledge that there are some people physically unable to work. But I simply refuse to accept that there are five million of them.

    The real problem is the dependency culture, which has removed any incentive for people to work. It's all carrot and no stick.

    Take the latest daft idea to tackle the "self-esteem issues" of unemployed single parents.

    They are being given free manicures and massages to "boost their confidence".

    As part of a pilot scheme in Hereford, Worcester, Northumberland, Durham and Greater Manchester, any outofwork single mum can choose from a range of treatments, including reflexology, a facial, a new hairdo and even ear-piercing.

    When the post-war Labour government established the welfare state, did anyone ever imagine that its provisions would extend to giving Vicky Pollard and her mates free council estate facelifts and nails like Barry White's girlfriend?

    Was piercing the ears of unemployed teenage mothers part of Beveridge's great vision?

    I shouldn't be surprised if they're not throwing in tattoos, too.

    A girl who works in one of the salons chosen to participate in the scheme said: "They didn't look like they needed their confidence boosting -they were all very loud.

    "They seemed to have a really good time. One of them was talking into her mobile phone and laughing and joking with a friend about how she was still drunk from the night before when she woke up that morning."

    At least £60,000 has been blown on this ridiculous exercise already and there are plans to extend it across the country.

    There is no reason why anyone on benefits should receive any more than someone working for the minimum wage, yet being an unemployed single mother is a pretty lucrative full-time job these days.

    I repeat, good luck to any immigrant who comes here to work.

    But it is a national disgrace that while people from all over the world are flocking to Britain to fill all the jobs on offer, the State is paying five million to stay at home playing daytime TV quiz games and bankrolling gormless trollops to loll around beauty salons.
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Daz

    Daz Registered User

    Mar 3, 2004
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    The people sitting on their arses doing fuck all each day, not even considering to look for a job, are the people who I most despise in this country.

    It annoys me so much when people (many being the one's talked about in this article) complain about the amount of 'illegal' immigrants in this country claiming every benefit that the state has to offer, when they have no idea about actual figures and have got all of their 'facts' from the Sun or the Star.
  4. RAVERBABY1980

    RAVERBABY1980 hardcore to the bone

    Jan 27, 2006
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    club overload, germany
    unfortunately one thing a lot of people miss out on with these comments is the fact that when a refugee comes here and works for e.g
    the toilets in the bigg market.
    he gets £5.50ph
    he is also council tax exempt
    will usually live with several others from his country therefore cutting rental costs !
    the law says they should be allowed internet access and mobile access to their home country ( free )
    they recieve free medicine from hospitals and doctor surgeries !
    they recieve free public transport passes !

    now when you add this up it works out at over £6.50 per hour.
    the reason most uk residents wont get off their arse as you say is that they can't afford to !!
    they get £5.50ph and pay full c/tax and get NO benefits whatesoever...:mad:
    so in comparison they will be working a 40hr week for less than £40 !!
    they get £55 minimum from the dole for doing f/a !! you do the maths.
    i also hate lazy people and layabouts but how can we expect people to go and work for nothing.
    i think the long term unemployed and people willing to work for minimum wages should be c/tax exempt and also recieve other benefits.
    after all half the arseholes in suit's and tie's do less work a day than the dolies sitting on their arses all day,but they get £50,000 a year for it :mad:
  5. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    Thats by far the thickest thing ive ever heard on this board. HOWAY.

    Someone getting paid 50 grand a year see's probably half their earnings go back to the government (after all taxes are counted) ... compared someone on benefits who or whatever (taking the stereotypical example, since you are) who contributes barely anything.

    Wake up and smell the coffee - the money that 'dolies' get, comes out of people like mines pocket - where do you think it comes from ... a magic money tree out back?

    Long term unemployed - theres another funny one. They get their council tax paid for anyways.

    .... then again, im an arsehole in a 'suit and tie' - what would i know, other than working to pay for the people you describe.

    Wake up thicko.
  6. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    There has to be some balance between 'support' and offering someone an easy life that they cant be arsed to pull themselves out of.

    I dont see why people should be handed free houses willy nilly (although i know a few people who deserve the help and im more than happy to give it) .... Most working people on here are renting or sharing houses and have to do such things like ... sharing a bathroom, or learning to live with others

    .... How about workhouses for the serial unemployed - Something like a halls of residence or something that uni students are used to ....Theres encouragement to get up off your bum and contribute to this country if ever i heard one....
  7. confuzzled

    confuzzled Registered User

    Jan 17, 2002
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    in love with annie

    rofllolz - maybe they are creating the wealth that drives the economy?

    you have quite possibly just made the most ridiculous comment in the entire history of and that is really quite a serious accolade. :dunce:
  8. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    If he's working legally he gets the same minimum wage as British citizens, if he's working illegally he gets much less and if he's a refugee with an application pending (pre 6 months) he is not allowed to work.

    If he's an employed refugee, he pays council tax.
    If his application is pre-6 month pending he's not allowed to work so doesn't pay tax.... as he has no income.
    If he's working illegally, he's doesn't pay taxes (because he's breaking the law... nothing to do with the government).

    9 times out of 10 if a grown adult is sharing a house with other adults its because he can't afford to live by himself.

    If he's an asylum seekers he lives in accomidation provided for him by the government and doesn't pay taxes as he doesn't earn.

    No it doesn't...

    Are you suggesting that while our unemployed get free healthcare, foreigners should pay?!?!

    Surely it is our duty to look after those in need?

    No they don't, vouchers can be used on buses but they are often refused.... there are even cases where parents have had to pay for the transportation of their children to school.

    Someones been filling your head full of lies raverbaby... there are legitimate reasons to oppose immigration, but the ones you cited are lies & misunderstandings.

    Someone should also explain to you the difference between an economic migrant and a refugee.

    economic migrant... someone who comes to england to work (the NHS is full of them)
    refugee... someone who is fleeing persecution from another land... he can be a british citizen or requesting citizenship.
    asylum seeker... a refugee who is requesting citizenship.
    illegal immigrant... an immigrant who lives & works here illegally (illegal immigrants take nothing from the system).

    Hope that helps you understand things a little clearer :D
  9. J

    J Mummy To A Baby Boy

    Dec 8, 2005
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    Re: Increasing confidence for the unemployed

    Its a disgrace

    My point being my two sisters sit on there arses complaining they have a wank life i tell them they could go to college one of them enrols and lasts 1 day saying it wasnt for her, then i say offer an hour a week to a voluntary organisation but yet again they complain. My point being theyve got so used to sponging off the state that they dont want to do anything but sit in there houses day in day out

    Looks like the state could be toughening up due to the fact there interviewing people on benefits on a regular basis those who dont attend get there benefits cut If immigrants are willing to work then fair play maybe the lazy bastards who milk the welfare system should be deported including there kids
  10. J

    J Mummy To A Baby Boy

    Dec 8, 2005
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    Yep this is true also a friend couldnt work at all during his stay in the UK not that he didnt want to work as he volunteered at the local college teaching djing etc he lived in a pokey flat 'far from pleasant' and had about £30-40 and fornight for food etc
  11. Shit_Kicker

    Shit_Kicker Fighting Bakey Limbo

    Mar 23, 2007
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    dirty shields
    Im just pissed at the amount of tax I pay

    Work Tax, NI, council tax the list goes on...

    FFs I work a month get paid for 3/4 weeks - and can barely afford to live in my own country!

    Where's my benefit except an overcrowded NHS system

    Just wanted to point out a programme that was on last night about Soldiers going AWOL and the lack of metal health support they are receiving when these lads (and lasses) are defending our National Security.

    Funny how our government can welcome with open arms Immigrants when the NHS is in such a mess as is the Government/Council Housing scheme across the whole country.

    Fair do's to anyone who is willing to work but everyone who wants to live in this country should abide by the same rules/taxes etc.

    Makes me wonder why we dont take the same approach as the Dutch or the Australians on Immigration especially considering the current state of our country.
  12. Sweeney

    Sweeney Registered User

    Jan 24, 2002
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    Keeping to the plan
    The NHS would be in a lot worse state than it is now if it wasnt for immigrants.
  13. Shit_Kicker

    Shit_Kicker Fighting Bakey Limbo

    Mar 23, 2007
    Likes Received:
    dirty shields
    your quoting me out of context

    read the post
  14. Shit_Kicker

    Shit_Kicker Fighting Bakey Limbo

    Mar 23, 2007
    Likes Received:
    dirty shields
    and the state of the NHS is just the tip of the iceberg
  15. Shit_Kicker

    Shit_Kicker Fighting Bakey Limbo

    Mar 23, 2007
    Likes Received:
    dirty shields
    plus where's your proof

    especially considering how much it costs to study to be a doctor these there any wonder?
  16. eyeball

    eyeball Registered User

    Nov 28, 2001
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    Shoreditch, East London
    You just quoted yourself.

    Do you have schizophrenia per chance?
  17. Shit_Kicker

    Shit_Kicker Fighting Bakey Limbo

    Mar 23, 2007
    Likes Received:
    dirty shields
    did i just say that or think it??
  18. eyeball

    eyeball Registered User

    Nov 28, 2001
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    Shoreditch, East London
  19. J

    J Mummy To A Baby Boy

    Dec 8, 2005
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  20. Shit_Kicker

    Shit_Kicker Fighting Bakey Limbo

    Mar 23, 2007
    Likes Received:
    dirty shields
  21. J

    J Mummy To A Baby Boy

    Dec 8, 2005
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