Thalia Zuchi in Big Brother Could so easily be sussed. First thing I thought when I saw the "australian" housemate was that she looks like the bunny boiler from balls of steel, turns out I was right!
Re: Thalia Zuchi in Big Brother is she the one that played the character "venus flytrap" ? if so she will be well funny in the house ..
Re: Re: Thalia Zuchi in Big Brother No shes the bunny boiler, she was also in that shit pop group allstars.
i thought the exact same thing. if anyones going to suss her out, i think it will be ziggy, because he used to be in a boyband and knows the london scene. i hope she stirs it up in there
that ziggy looks like an utter twat, upper class floppy haired cunt who looks like patrick bateman off american psycho.....and that charley is a blatant excuse for racism
How the fuck are the actions of one person from any particular ethnic group a 'blatant excuse for racism'?