registered but just cannot get into it. wor lass loves it tho. i have to say that the chuck norris fact generator i've got on my page is canny good
i like facebook, loadsa people on there that i didnt expect... prefer it to myspace. although myspace is quite good for my band page.
my space is fun for kids and music n stuff, facebook seems a bit more ... grown up? lol getting into it slowly...
Coincidently I just opened an account 2 days ago. Really didn't like it at first, thought everyone pages looked really bland. Then I found an old workmate and it caused a proper chain reaction where I found about 30 old workmates, friends and family who aren't on MySpace. Was getting quite addicted yesterday. Still prefer MySpace I think tho.
i cant really get off the myspace buzz to be honest like - a dont think i've actually visited the facebook site at all might have a goosey
Myspace is more user friendly I think, but Facebook is quality because I found loads of old school mates that I thought I would never see again.
I'm not into either myspace or facebook!! My Year 6 children at work always ask me for my msn bad! So i know that of i did sign up they'd find out way too much info out about me, something i dont want!! I think theres too much personal info put onto sites like that my self. Can see the addiction though, this board used to be one of mine!
Ive managed to get in touch with a boat load of school clubbers not to mention old clubbers from 5 or so years ago
I thought Facebook was for 15 year olds in london trying to get a shag??? I started getting really confused when randoms from school were inviting me to join.