Food Jacking Is this a new youth craze thats going about these days? or is it just me? it all starts after the last junior G when me mate gav got his pizza snatched off him within 2 minutes of purchase - the bastard runs off laughing with a fresh pizza worth 7 quid. last week my cousin had his macdonalds hijacked from the counter from the northumberland street outlet, apparently he was talking to someone and then when he turned to take his food - it wasnt there, and the robber blended in with the crowd getting away with a tray of stodgey mess. witnesses apparently said the lad was small and had a blue jumper on. after trying to find the purp with little avail my cousin then went and bought another big mac meal. gutted. 3 days ago, me and my kid were walking down south shields high street and witnessed a youngish lad of about 18-19 (not a charver either) snatch a greggs bag with what would appear to have been full of baked goods/cream cakes. he ran off laughing and the woman was stunned. if an oppertunist theif were to steal something wouldent it be her purse? he didnt look poor or dodgey. just a normal person. what is happening to society!!!!
If people steal food, then its obviously of value to the person stealing it. A sign of the times for sure - but then again some people insist we've never had it better
I can just imagine the marathon I'd run if someone stole my subway that cost me my last £3. I'd stop for nothing! Maybe even squash a chilli in his eye when I caught him. Little shits these days :fart:
LOL unbelievable! If i never had a dead leg from football the day before i would have chased the guy who swiped my kids pizza like.
yes, but a 60 pence odd pastie? value? to a lad which looked as if he had at least that? i dont think so. its a craze, it'll be on youtube soon enough.
even if it wasent mine and id seen that happen id cahse the fucker till my smoke filled lungs could pump no more then id grab the fucker and kick him repeadidly in the bollox till the filth turn up where i would just say his balls were on fire officer and i put the flames out the only way i knew, then stroll away whistling, (hitler, he only has one ball) and saying dont thank me i did what any1 would do
serves em right for being seen in public with a gregs pastie, in this day and age no one up here has to steal food to live, not if theyre wearing £70 air max classics. just a bunch of cunts being cunts basically