Christmas Songs Sitting at work & the manager has been playing christmas songs through her fuckin laptop all day, someone pass me that gun me head is in bits!
I don't mind them as long as it's christmas eve and I'm at home or out. If it's anywhere else at any other time it just irritates me
we've had them on repeat every day at work for nearly 2weeks. To say that I'm sick of them would be an understatement. I'm always sat right beside the bloody cd player aswell :evil:
It's getting worse & worse One of those bumper Cds with 20 thousand songs on If I here 'Santa Clause is coming to town' once more bastard time, this place is going to erupt Fucks Sake
Other than The Pogues/Kirsty MacColl one they're all pretty crap. I prefer carols. <---- Traditionalist.
I cant stand them. Its the same ones year after year and most of them are crap. The radio is on my desk at work and Ive point blank said NO Christmas cds allowed
This one is proper christmassy. [ame=""]YouTube- IBiFC on TOTP[/ame] This one makes me feel greaaaat. [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
I fucking hate them, my mam, dad n sis have them playing next dor so i've went into the next room n put Cold War Kids on, i'm a proper humbug lol
They were good when you were little because you actually believed that santa was coming. Listening to them everywhere you go none stop for 30 odd days each year is so frustrating now! Also, why have the songs never changed since the day i was born?