I need some info

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mr.B.ThatsMe, Jan 23, 2008.

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  1. Mr.B.ThatsMe

    Mr.B.ThatsMe 'yi raji puff

    Mar 7, 2005
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    I need some info

    I'm doing an assignment in college titled "The Evolution Of Electronic Dance Music & How it Has Affected the Entertainment Industry of Today". It's a mouth full but you get the idea. I'm basically gathering research relating to how it all started, influential figures, technology and how it has advanced (due to demand with the growing popularity of the 'scene'), music festivals + growth, jobs that have been provided by default and how things will progress in the future.

    I've got the basics, ie. timeline of "Electronic Music", some stuff about how DJing began and where it has ended up today, genres of music that have evolved and some stuff about festivals.

    Since I'm not clued up about all this as much as a lot of you are i thought I'd ask for some input. Where could I find detailed info about the revenue and crowds generated by certain festivals? (also compared with say, 10 years ago).

    How have things changed for you as a DJ since you first got into it as a hobby/job? Has it become easier to get employed? How has technology changed and is it now more accessible/user friendly?

    I'll leave it at that for now to see if anyone actually replies, then I may have a few more questions!

    Cheers :dunce:
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. French William

    French William _________________

    Oct 24, 2005
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    What is the point in this essay? What are you menat to prove or look at?
  4. Gav Freaky Dancing

    Gav Freaky Dancing Registered User

    Oct 24, 2005
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    have you looked for relevant mintel reports in the library?

    they should be the best place for background economic info.

    if you were arsed to do some leg work yourself, you could probably get a decent snapshot of the scene over the years by tracking down a copy of mixmag from each year (ideally the same month each year) and going through with a spread sheet tallying up how many different nights there were in each region in different sizes of venues... you could make this as simple or complex as you liked. It'd not give you the full picture as there's no way of telling if an event sold out or bombed, but it'd allow you to produce some pretty graphs that should tell you something. I'm sure there's a few peeps on here with lots of old copies of mixmag, I know I have a few somewhere from the mid 90's.

    don't forget that you can't do an evolution of electronic music without covering the unlicensed scene.

    I can have a stab at outlining some key factors / events if you want, sure other's can add to that as well.
  5. Phil Mitchell

    Phil Mitchell check me a dollar brer?

    May 19, 2005
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    Re: I need some info

    Getting the revenue figures could be a bit of a fuck on but try this might be a good starting point


    rather than making a post on this board, make up some questionnaires with some more direct questions so you can get the info you want.

    The technology side of things should be pretty easy but as FW said, depends on what you want to discuss/prove
  6. Gav Freaky Dancing

    Gav Freaky Dancing Registered User

    Oct 24, 2005
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    ah, just seen that you say you've got the main timeline stuff.

    [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tribal_Gathering"]Tribal Gathering - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Tribalg.jpg" class="image"><img alt="" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/3/32/Tribalg.jpg/200px-Tribalg.jpg"@@AMEPARAM@@en/thumb/3/32/Tribalg.jpg/200px-Tribalg.jpg[/ame] 1993-97, 25,000 people growing to 30,000+, ended due to squabbling between mean fiddler and the original organisers universe.

    Tribal gathering IMO set the scene for the likes of creamfields and gods kitchen global gathering.

    Don't miss out the influence of glastonbury on expanding the dance music scene - 2 main factors, one being the likes of orbital doing stunning headline big stage sets in front of 50-80,000 people, the other being the travellers field next to the main festival site, and the all night free party rigs dotted around the site through the mid-late 90's with upto 40-50 free party rigs from all round the country converging on glasto to keep the party going once the main stages finished, prior to their being official late night dance music stages. This then led to the creation of the dance stage and the glade stage (dance stage was more mainstream dance, glade stage more leftfield dance, from the rave culture), as well as stalls like Joe banana's which became famous for carrying on the party 24 hours a day through glasto blasting out dance music from the market areas with crowds of thousands dancing all night and the festival turning a blind eye to it.

    Exodus... you have to mention exodus, as probably the longest running and most counter culture of the UK free party rigs, who were running parties for several thousand people most weekend throughout the 90's around the Luton area. This culminated in a huge weekend long free festival called 'free the spirit festival' in the summer of 2000 (i think), where they managed to get a full license for the event with no requirement for either police or licensed security to be onsite, just the 'exodus peace stewards' controlling things. that party probably had upwards of 15-20,000 people at it over the weekend, and fuck knows how many rigs - prob 20 main ones and another 30-40 odd smaller rigs. Unfortunately exodus imploded at the end of that weekend.

    Glade festival started in 2004 with 5000 cap 3 day, grown to about 20,000 cap 3 day 10-12 stages, run by the team behind the glade stage at glasto. Started in the year glasto had a year off.

    erm there's some starters for you.
  7. smiley :O)

    smiley :O) for one priceless moment

    Jun 14, 2005
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    raise your glowsticks i thank you
    my mate was there when the whole rave scene started he said when pills first came out you used to order them on a wednesday to get them for the weekend, they were £25 each. he has been to the hacienda and to everywhere over the country
  8. Gav Freaky Dancing

    Gav Freaky Dancing Registered User

    Oct 24, 2005
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    everywhere in the country is a lot of clubbing... I'm impressed:wink:
  9. Mr.B.ThatsMe

    Mr.B.ThatsMe 'yi raji puff

    Mar 7, 2005
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    Cheers for the input, it's exactly the kind of stuff I'm after :D I'll probably compile a list of questions for individual people who are willing once I've sorted through some of the stuff I have.

    I'm doing a course in Stage Management & Technical Production which is basically the in's & out's of theatre (although the things we learn are relevant to a lot of the entertainment industry) - Sound, lighting, special fx, props, production, management...

    The module here is called Specialist Subject Investigation and you have to choose a topic of your choice to research and eventually do a 12 minute presentation. Since I'm not doing a music course I couldn't just do "Dance music" so I had to find a way of using my personal music preference and linking it with the technical side of things and the entertainment industry itself (IE, music festivals as an organisation - size, expansion, jobs created etc. Changes with lighting & sound equipment because of the growing popularity of DJing/large scale events etc).

    Seeing as a lot of you are DJ's and some have experience running events there probably isn't a better place to ask for peoples personal experiences.

  10. Gav Freaky Dancing

    Gav Freaky Dancing Registered User

    Oct 24, 2005
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    right, I think I get you.

    If you want a case study, I can probably give you most of the info you need about glade from 97 at glasto through to now, as I've been fairly actively involved with them all the way through.

    not entirely sure about the finances, but I probably know as much as anyone outside of the 4 directors and site manager.
  11. Mr.B.ThatsMe

    Mr.B.ThatsMe 'yi raji puff

    Mar 7, 2005
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    That would be a massive help m8 :) I'll PM you sometime soon as I'm still in the middle of sorting out stuff into order. Finances aren't of massive importance as like I say it'll be going into a presentation so I'd only mention a few numbers money wise so people could relate to what I was saying a bit more. But yeah, cheers for the enthusiasm I'll defo be in touch :D

    Cheers to everyone else too :chill:
  12. gib

    gib cock-pushups?

    Dec 2, 2005
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    Hugging the Digital Subs
    you should watch 24hr party people.
  13. Michael

    Michael Registered User

    Jul 14, 2003
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    mint film!!

    "I'm being postmodern, before it's fashionable" lol

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