How did you get into 'dance' music?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ferox, May 9, 2008.

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  1. Ferox

    Ferox Shamanic Tea

    Oct 19, 2003
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    How did you get into 'dance' music?

    Simple question

    I was really into heavy metal in the mid 90's. Bought Fear Factory's Remanufacture remix album which introduced me to metal/gabber crossover. Really liked it, then Earache's "Extreme Dance meets Extreme Rock" Hellspawn compilation got released, which introduced me to the likes of Delta 9, The Berzerker (as a DJ, before he turned into a shite Slipknot type metal band), Panachea and the like. Started looking out for similar releases, bought some Ultravilonce albums, then I saw an advert in Terrorizer magazine in late 1998 - something called Underground Music, which turned out to be Simon Underground's record store. This was before the days of the net so I called up and he played records over the phone. Chose a few, and he also sent a Geordie Gabba Mafia live PA tape, a DJ Smurf live mix tape, and I went on from there really.

    These days my favourite styles are still 'hardcore' influenced - my favourite style of all will always be Frenchcore (Micropoint, Le Peste, Narkotek, Radium etc), I love Breakcore (Toecutter, Sickboy in particular), IDM like Aphex Twin, and I do like Psy-Trance, Psychill and Ambient.
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Phil Mitchell

    Phil Mitchell check me a dollar brer?

    May 19, 2005
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  4. Ferox

    Ferox Shamanic Tea

    Oct 19, 2003
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    Oh, and I liked The Prodigy around when Firestarter came out and Teknohead's I Wanna be a Hippie when it came out, but its not as catchy as this :lol:

    [ame=]Gabber Piet [/ame]
  5. Ness

    Ness Registered User

    Feb 17, 2002
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    In the Forest
    Same kind of background really. Was a massive metal fan in 80's into 90's, still love it like. Then in '94 i went to Uni and lived with a few DJs in halls. I'd always been intrigued by mixing etc so asked the lads to show me the basics. Ended up skiving Uni and learning to mix for the 1st semester.

    I've always said, i got into DJ-ing before I got into dance music hehe.

    It was also around the time of Tribal Gathering kicking off and there were some pretty good introductions for me DJs wise. From that year the ones that really stand out were Digweed/Sasha, LTJ Bukem and the late great Tony de Vit.

    Fuck me that was 14 years ago!! :eek:

    edit - just remembered i used to go to the raves etc when i was in my teens but had nothing to do with the music or DJ-ing, was all about taking acid in a field!! :lol:
  6. Granty

    Granty 38°52′48″N 1°23′30″E

    Aug 17, 2005
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    Here and there.....
    Bought a house tape on a market in London in '93. I remember it had Duke 'Blow Your Whistle' on it. Then picked up Rave 92 when I got back home. It was full of stuff like Liquid 'Sweet Harmony', SL2 'On A Ragga Tip, Kicks Like A Mule 'The Bouncer' etc etc... That got me pretty much into the house/rave scene (even though I was too young to attend anything).

    Then, in 1994, a friend of my mother had a daughter who worked for Rezerection (Becky White) who gave me the Event 2 tape pack and that pretty much turned me to hardcore for the best part of the mid-90's. I used to have the Rez bomber jackets, hats, gloves - the lot :oops: Started going to Judgement Day @ Uni once I hit 14 through 'til late 1997 when it started to go shit.

    I'd bought Ministry of Sounds 'Annual II' at Christmas in 2006 and that pretty much converted me back to house. I'd bought some decks that year too and when we held house parties me mates used to hide all my house vinyl so they could play there hardcore :lol:

    Then, after a holiday to Ibiza, I was pretty much house, trance and prog from 1997 onwards up until about 2003 when I started listening to deep house/techno....

    ...and here I am today.
  7. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    I can almost name the exact tune - Stakker Humanoid on 'Deep Heat 89', about the 2nd CD i ever bought - that or Silver Bullet '20 seconds to comply'. My mate's older brother used to have 1 deck and buy vinyl in about 1990/1991 from the Listening Booth & Jumbo Records in Leeds. EVERYONE loved the Prodigy at the time and the usual stuff we used to get on tape, Dream Frequencey, Shades of Rhythm, etc.

    Leeds pirate radio station was called 'Dream FM', mobile phone number to ring, you heard the cops knocking the door down once and the record jumping :lol: Also, Pete Tong on a friday was also taped!!

    Went to College Sept '91 - THATS where i started going to the events - Leeds had 'Ark', 'Soak' and 'Kaos' running at the uni and stuff. Met a lad a college who was a DJ in leeds, met a few people - Utah Saints, Steve Luigi. He first showed me how to mix - he had so many records but i wasn't that bothered then about learning to mix. Used to go to 'The Gallery' in leeds (later the playroom), dark, dingy, used to open the night with the theme music from 'Terminator'. Occasionally went to the warehouse and Back to Basics but was too handbag for me

    Kept doing that till 94 when i went to uni in leicester, furst went to crasher in '95 when it was getting club of the year, passion in coalville was down the road. then, tail end of '95 a house mate got some technics, i'd been buying vinyl for a few years - we got together and make sweet music!
  8. forks

    forks still not dead

    Nov 21, 2005
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    hurtling towards nirvana

    :lol: :lol: sounds like Benny Hill

    I first heard dance music at the old Riverside and couldn't get it at all. I was into Jazz and World music at the time.Then I discovered pillage and it all became clear.:spangled: It took about another two or three years before I found I still liked the music when non muntered and another couple to be able to say what I liked. But my tastes seem to range across the divides, maybe more towards the harder end when clubbing but all sorts at home. It seems so limiting when people say they are only into X or Y when there is a whole world of stuff out there.
    And I still like jazz and World and anything leftfield where someone is pushing the boundaries a bit.
    I have managed to piss off most of my mates with it though who refuse to let me play anything at parties that goes duff duff duff cos they 'can't dance to it'. :rolleyes:
  9. Ness

    Ness Registered User

    Feb 17, 2002
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    In the Forest
    haha crackin tape!! had shamen and prodigy on etc. i had steamin' hardcore '92!! so hardcore it had simply fuckin red on!! :lol:
    however it did have Coxy's - I Want You and Zero G's - Peter and the Wolf!!! crackin tunes. i've still got it somewhere, gonna have to find it!!
  10. DN HY

    DN HY 142 bmp

    Oct 28, 2005
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    totally by chance - alot of my mates decided to go on holiday to malia when we were bout 16 - but i didnt go cos i had arranged to go on holiday with some bird but we finished so i had nowt to look forward to all summer, me and two others (clubhead from this board, and my mate matty) decided to go to global gathering to see what it was like, i had the time of my life, got right into trance music and never looked back since!
  11. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    hardcore uproar roo i think??
  12. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    my first mixed album, the classic renassiance one :love: 2 bad mice - my mate even had a live version on cassette
  13. Pierre


    Mar 13, 2006
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    Gateshead Ghetto
    My dad was into new romantic stuff in the 80's so was always around stuff like depeche mode, new order, soft cell etc so thats where it stems from moved into the 90's and with the likes of the prodigy, the orbital, happy mondays etc then i went to Shindig for the first time and just fell in love with the house sounds of scott and scooby...........

    and the rest's history :D
  14. Ness

    Ness Registered User

    Feb 17, 2002
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    In the Forest
    is that the one with voodoo ray and little fluffy clouds on?...ah little fluffy clouds :love:
  15. Jill

    Jill Registered User

    Feb 28, 2004
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    Always just assumed it was shite.. then dobbs/Nass convinced me to go to Promise. :D

    Still don't really listen to it outside of clubbing though, apart from the occasional mix.
  16. Chewy

    Chewy I'd fist it

    Nov 16, 2002
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    The Bronx
    My parents were big on music and my dad has a fair few vinyl’s, so my love of music started from an early age. They would take me to see bands and stuff when i was young, i was always interested in the drums and not much else, which is prob what got me into dance music. When i was younger me and my bro would hold discos for the family, were we'd make our own disco light and stuff :lol:

    My first recollection of dance music would be my brothers rave tapes when i was about 10, i soon started recording the tapes he had and would listen to them on my walkman. i listened to rave in its many forms for a few years, going from things like judgement day to bonkers.

    I'd say the moment i started listening to dance music in the form i like today was when i was around 15-16 when i started listening to radio1 and i'd record it and then listen to it at school on my walkman.
  17. Granty

    Granty 38°52′48″N 1°23′30″E

    Aug 17, 2005
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    Here and there.....
    You weren't cool if you didn't own one of those £20 mini-strobes from Aitken Electronics when we were in our early teens.
  18. Conway

    Conway helmet Staff

    Apr 16, 2003
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    that and dave pearce's dance anthems for me :oops:
  19. Chewy

    Chewy I'd fist it

    Nov 16, 2002
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    The Bronx
    this was before my teens and they weren't kicking about then
  20. Pierre


    Mar 13, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Gateshead Ghetto
    Tandy were the boys for cheap disco lights :lol: :king:
  21. Granty

    Granty 38°52′48″N 1°23′30″E

    Aug 17, 2005
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    Here and there.....
    I just though your post was a good link into what I wanted to say.

    Don't worry, I wasn't implying you weren't cool ;)

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