Biblical challenge

Discussion in 'News & Current Affairs' started by Yosef Ha'Kohain, May 11, 2008.

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  1. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    Biblical challenge

    You all seem incredibly quick to attack religion, so i thought I'd provide you all with a forum to discuss the Bible.

    I can't speak for christians or muslims, but i'm well versed in the Old Testament... This isn't some evangelic attempt to convert you to any religion, it's the complete opposite... If you have trouble understanding how 6 day creation can be correlated with the age of the universe, or how evolution fits in with the Bible... I can explain :)

    Most of you couldn't give a shit about this, but Ness, forks, Conway, andy, MistaK & everyone else that slates the evangelical creationists at every opertunity - this could provide you with the oppertunity to understand the other side.
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. adam.

    adam. kthxbi

    Dec 10, 2003
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    no one gives a fuck.
  4. Carson

    Carson Registered User

    Dec 19, 2006
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    +1. Harry Krishna
  5. MistaK

    MistaK Modulations Staff

    May 18, 2007
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    The Beach
    Re: Biblical challenge

    well you havent really provided much arguement there mate. sorry.

    the arguments that creationists provide in my opinion, is the most ignorant, un-thinked of and mis-leading bollocks i have ever heard.

  6. MistaK

    MistaK Modulations Staff

    May 18, 2007
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    The Beach
    and, the fact that you indeed are the only heavily engrossed religious bod on here makes you a little outnumbered. i havent really got anything against religions as silly as these - but i am allowed to form my own opinions and keep them.

    and if your just trying to start the whole "ooo missus, i'm a massive figure in the jewish community" card - well whats the point in voicing it on a clubbing forum?

    a vast majority of people on here - me included - come on here to talk bollocks to take away the tedium of the vast space that is the internet, and occasionally some meaningful is said - but its normally just by accident.

    Personally - if i let religion rule my way of life, my thoughts, my clothes, my music taste and my friends. i wouldent be the person i was today. in my experiance alot of young kids who have religion thrust upon them from an early age tend to grow up as straight laced, boring and high strung, and they tend to be up on the C2 band.

    i'm glad my parents had the sense to let me figure out things for myself. i read the children's bible cover to cover while i was working down in london - bearing in mind it was the book next to the bog (or shit literature - you can form your own opionions on that one) because i'd lost my copy of one of terry pratchetts books, it was the only thing in my skanky low budget B+B room in Kings Cross*

    and it was like a fairytale - but thats my opinion, and yes i could read into it deeper about the morals involved and all that cack - but they're normally drilled into you by school or by experiances in life.

    as far as i'm concered:

    -science is more trustworthy.
    -Religion creates wars.
    -it warps peoples perceptions completely (in the case of creationism anyway).
    -to me a waste of perfectly good drinking time.

    *The kings cross area of london alone is proof that god doesent care
  7. WorldonFire

    WorldonFire No Pressure

    Jan 11, 2007
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    complete bollox :)
  8. forks

    forks still not dead

    Nov 21, 2005
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    hurtling towards nirvana
    Re: Biblical challenge

    the point (as far as I'm concerned ) is not how to interpret the bible, or understand it: it's about faith. You seem to believe that this supreme being, creator of the universe, a totally omnipotent being created the whole universe, and then entrusted the key to understanding it all to a bunch of folk in the middle east a few thousand years ago and got them to write it down verbatim (in Hebrew of all languages) and that studying this will enable us to, what? go to heaven? And furthermore that all the other people clutching their various holy books have all got it wrong / are deluded/ doomed. And they all think that you are wrong.
    It is such a ludicrous hypothesis that it doesn't bear looking at for longer than 5 minutes.
    The fact that thousands of people have devoted their entire lives to this pursuit and have managed to come up with countless interpretations does not make it any more likely to be true.
    I wish you well in your desire to join them but I will not be using what few brain cells I have to join you.
  9. Conway

    Conway helmet Staff

    Apr 16, 2003
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    I wouldn't exactly state my position as "slating creationism" joe, its just that I don't agree with the view of the creationist movement, especially in some of the moves they have made (like the pro-creationist history museum).

    I disagree with some aspects of my religion, creationism being one of them (contraception being another).

    I have no problem with anyone of any faith or any alighment, as long as they have respect for each others beliefs and do not attempt to force them onto those who do not believe in the same way.

    Opening a museum in the name of religion and to openly attack science is a very dangerous move and not one I agree with as a result.

    It seems to me like a knee-jerk reaction to atheism, secular states, and the encroachment of science into an area of religion which is only taken literally by fundamentalist christians and jews.

    I have every respect for these people, but they should not try to force their opinions and beliefs (correct, incorrect or unproven) upon others. That is why I weighed into the last thread.

    My interpretation of the bible and my faith is that it explains the "whys" and moral obligations of mankind, whilst science explains the "hows". I don't just see a collection of writings, scriptures, and psalms, I try to see the meanings behind the stories and parables. It isn't hard to find most of them with a bit of personal reflection :)

    It is possible for the two concepts to co-exist. Whenever one is used to attack the other (athiests vs. believers, and vice versa) it isn't possible for one to completely eliminate the other regardless of the reasoning used. To me, they complement each other far more strongly than when one is used to disprove the other.

    I'm not sure I'm up for a full-on Joe-style debate on it on here, as you're the only person I know of capable of arguing black is white and being able to prove it :lol:
  10. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    I doubt you know the first thing about inflation theory, evolution or any of the principles you place your faith in.... how is your faith any less blind than the creationist?
  11. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    Re: Re: Biblical challenge

    Interesting post forks, I gave you the oppertunity to actually hear the voice of the side you're so quick to attack.
  12. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    That wasn't my intention for this thread, I actually hoped andy or forks would cite specific verses they thought ludicrus - so that i could present them with at least the reason why i can pallete such verses.

    Seems most the people are on the forum are too fixed on slating religion, to actually spend time to understanding what they ridicule.
  13. MistaK

    MistaK Modulations Staff

    May 18, 2007
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    The Beach
    its a clubbing forum joe.

    of course i dont know what inflation theory is, i take drugs pretty much every weekend and listen to looped drum patterns whilst moving my arms and legs wildly.
  14. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    I barely post here, I barely check the forum.... but every time I check someones slagging off religion.

    Just thought I'd give people the chance to understand what they slate.

    Inflation theory is the belief that the universe is expanding out from a central point... Imagine if you're baking a loaf of bread in the oven with a raison inside... if you were sat on the raison it wouldseem that you were the centre of the loaf and that everything was moving away from you - you'd have no way of pinpointing the centre of the loaf - all you could see is everything is expanding.

    This is what we witness when we examine the universe... Then through further subtleties we are lead to believe that this expansion originated from a point...Not only that but the loaf or universe actually started out as energy and not matter... Anyway it gets far to complex for me to comprehend or explain... but imo the Gensis narative (bible explanation) compliments the modern scientific understanding perfectly.

    Theres no huge gap and I'm not some crazy religious nut for believing this.
  15. forks

    forks still not dead

    Nov 21, 2005
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    hurtling towards nirvana
    oh dear. I can't stop myself.....

    when I slate religion I always mean it in the context of organised religion, not in the vague sense that many people have that in order for their lives to make sense to them they posit a supernatural dimension to the world and universe around them.

    That similarities can be found between the genesis myth and scientific speculations about the big bang is trite. And banal. And pointless.
    It's true that at the present state of scientific knowledge the actual origin of our universe is unknown. And so it COULD have been created by your friend G-d.
    Or it COULD have sprung into existence from the belly of a whale, or have always existed, or be a figment of my imagination, nobody knows.

    The point is that the bible does not stop at the genesis myth- it goes on to describe a whole story of human development with Adam and Moses and Jesus (if you are a Christian) and Mohammed (if you are a Muslim) and it proposes a whole set of rules for living which it claims should be followed because god says so. And how do we know he says so? because the bible says so. And who wrote the bible? Why he did. And so the Taliban murder their fellow men because they don't have a beard or Hitler murders the Jews or the Inquisition tortured 'heretics' to death and on and on in a bloody trail throughout history.

    I'm right because my old book says I am is no way to carry on. And I see all around me signs that the religious are flexing their muscles again and I am fearful of it. I thought that as education progressed across the planet then religion would wither away in the same way that medicine has vanquished religion as a way to conquer disease.

    I'm not against anybody believing anything they want. I am against organised religion with it's unrelenting dogma and it's hierarchies and it's brainwashing of children's minds. Irrational beliefs lead to irrational behavior and that can be very very bad for us all.

    so it's not about the big bang versus genesis - it's about eating pork or wearing a beard or denying women the right to drive a car or chopping peoples hands off or denying birth control or wearing a turban or the Indian caste system or occupying the west bank or eating fish on Fridays.....
  16. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    I was providing you with the oppertunity to understand the side you just spent 30 minutes slating.

    I know you despise religion, I was hoping to provide you with an oppertunity to understand it.

    nevermind :)
  17. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    as i said to forks...
  18. forks

    forks still not dead

    Nov 21, 2005
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    hurtling towards nirvana
    i do understand it.
    Nobody wants to believe that there's no meaning to existence and it's all gonna end in oblivion for each of us sooner or later.
    So we clutch at any straw of comfort.
    you've chosen to believe your old book. I'm pleased for you ,it must be great to be so certain of such unproveable mumbo jumbo and to base your life on it.
    I can't.
    Even though I would really like there to be a god, even the most cursary examination of religion is so filled with improbabilities piled on improbabilities that I simply cannot believe it.
    You have faith and that seems to be enough for you. I'm glad for you I really am. just don't expect me to swallow it. Your attempts to argue that science and religion are two sides of the same coin don't seem to stack up to me but then I know about as much science as you do and your knowledge of the bible is of little use in persuading me of anything since I believe it was written by fallible men not an infallible god.
    as far as explanation goes well try this just for starters
    tell me why the supreme being troubles himself with Joe's diet ?
  19. Ness

    Ness Registered User

    Feb 17, 2002
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    In the Forest
    Thats exactly how it should be (I'm not going to get too into this as i'm at work and wont get any work done).

    When I asked my Father about any opinions he had, whether it was religion or anything else, he would never tell "how things were" but explain what certain people thought and let me make my own mind up. When I asked him "Is the devil real?" his reply was "Well do you believe in God? If so then you have to think that everything has an opposite, theres no good without evil." This made me think, made me work out my own conclusion, and I still havent reached it yet.

    I dont say that what anybody believes is wrong, who the hell am I to say what is because NOBODY knows, but to place my blind faith in anything without proof is, well, idiotic. To then fight with people or look down or think less of others because of this "faith" and beliefs is rather contradictory of religion itself and the teachings held within.

    Personally believe that, nowadays, the planet would be a better place without religion.
  20. adam.

    adam. kthxbi

    Dec 10, 2003
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    we are all on the island off lost, joe's the only one who can get off (and go back in time). he found a pterodactyl egg at haymarket, but it was organising it own bar mitzvah so joe can recognise its existance.

    the nucastle boards exist in the real world and is joes constant, thats why he's away for long periods of time.

    give me a nobel prize. i am king god.
  21. Ness

    Ness Registered User

    Feb 17, 2002
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    In the Forest
    Just as plausable as owt else.

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