
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by J, Jul 6, 2008.

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  1. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    i'm sure he knows your feelings now
  2. J

    J Mummy To A Baby Boy

    Dec 8, 2005
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    il leave it at that then :chill:
  3. Leon

    Leon Non Board Moderator

    Oct 25, 2005
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    It's booting reet off here like !! :lol: :lol:
  4. aLdErZ

    aLdErZ Disco Dwarf

    Oct 23, 2006
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    The Rith'

    Bit of a rollercoaster of emotions for this one lol.

    Despite all the shit that Smigs had to endure, despite putting 101% into Detox as fuckin usual, I had a good time.

    Really enjoyed playing and thank you to everyone for all the kind words after my set, much appreciated.

    All the local lads were awesome; Hutch, Smigs, and special hats off to Mick and Dan who were chucking out some quality tunes despite the sound system problems!

    Also, massive thank you to Static who gave up his set to allow me to play as I had originally missed my slot.:king:

  5. J

    J Mummy To A Baby Boy

    Dec 8, 2005
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    that was canny of him, seems other than all the crap it was a half decent night which is good for the northeast
  6. aLdErZ

    aLdErZ Disco Dwarf

    Oct 23, 2006
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    The Rith'
    Aye it was good of him like. He didn't have to do that.

    Yeah despite all the bother it was a good party:)
  7. smigs

    smigs by the sword of dobber

    Nov 24, 2005
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    In a princess
    "Also, massive thank you to Static who gave up his set to allow me to play as I had originally missed my slot. "

    Fair play on that score. It takes a big man to do something like that. It shows alot of respect for other people and character to do that. I guess there was a silver lining out of it all in the end !

    Hats off fella ! Credit where credits due.

    MAXIMAL: Registered User

    Mar 26, 2008
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    Pretty bad how the organizers told you the Elements lads nicked your tent when they have said they were told to set up there, loads of DJ’s were booked to play with you lot as well.

    I can imagine a canny few pissed off people travelling from all over to play, let alone the people who bought tickets to go and see you all.
  9. J

    J Mummy To A Baby Boy

    Dec 8, 2005
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    Someones posted about that on the DSI forum
  10. Mr Soft

    Mr Soft Registered User

    Mar 17, 2002
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    Where the wall ends!
    As i say thats just what we were told off the promoters...
  11. STATIC

    STATIC Registered User

    Aug 20, 2006
    Likes Received:
    In The Matrix

    It may not make a difference but I'll try to clear a few things up :)

    We had originally planned to run 5 areans. The two tents that did not go ahead were going to be hosted by Binni & the other by Sarah from Sketchy Munters. As far as I knew she had been awol for over two weeks, no contact with anyone since apparently moving to brighton and being at glastonbury over the previous weekend ? She had made all the arrangements for running that particular arena, booking acts and should have been responsible for informing the various DJ's and acts that the tent was not going ahead.

    Four marquees were ordered but only 3 were built due to the marquee company double booking our order. They had tried to help out by delivering a shoddy little 'self assembly' gazeebo which was standing between the old skool and Elements tent on saturday - I'd started building this but gave up when I seen how flimsy this was. Due to weather problems and Elements arriving on site early they were given first refusal on the smaller tent to stop equipment getting wet from the heavy downpour.

    There's no point explaining all the texts and phone calls that went around on Saturday suffice to say the Sketchy munters tent didn't go ahead and the fourth tent was just a simple no-go based on what had been delivered. There was no way the error sound system would have been allowed to run based on health and safety under that little gazeebo. This was fully explained to Binni during a phone call I had on Saturday. Basically the original plan was that some of the techno crew would come across on Friday to have a look at the setup they were going to be using but due to other business comittments and missed flights this was not possible. We endeavoured to fit some of the techno acts into the main arena offering Binni, Scott, Kai & Chris sets in the main room of which two took the chance. This was made possible by shortening some of the live acts and later DJ set times.

    I'm sure everyone will agree the weather did not help at all on Saturday - I was on site most of Friday where it was almost 23c all day and glorious sunshine, shame about Saturday. I pretty much missed the entire 12 hours on Saturay and only caught K90's live set at the end. The rest of the day was spent manning the gate, running around sorting logistical technical problems whilst also ferrying DJ's back and forth from hotels. In all I covered over 300 miles in car journeys. Also a massive big thank you to James Wilson for all his hard work.

    I don't think anyone quite realises how much work goes into an outdoor event. The buses should have never got stuck as they WERE ALL TOLD to stay on the tarmac at the end of the event. I had been controlling the bus arrivals earlier in the day between 2pm and 5pm making sure they all arrived and left site safely. It was purely the fault of the stupid bus drivers coming too far into the field and beyond our control that they got stuck. Again I was trying my best to get this resovled at the end of the night so big thank you to everyone who helped resolve this at 2am.

    3) I don't know what words were exchanged between people on saturday night suffice to say myself and many others were stressed out with all the logistics. I would like to add that it is completely out of order for any DJ on the bill to physically threaten the promoter with violence when asked to shorten their set by 5 minutes. This was all due two power cuts and also DJ's + live acts over running or arriving late. Any other information or rumours doing the rounds should be dispelled at once since this only damages reputations of an event or any of the DJ's involved. As far as myself and Melt are aware *! NOBODY !* has been removed from any future lineups. Gossip and rumour mongering are best kept off the nucastle or DSI boards.

    Peace everyone :) Static
  12. MistaK

    MistaK Modulations Staff

    May 18, 2007
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    The Beach
    fair cop static :up: all you seemed to be doing was running about like an idiot in a high vis jacket sorting things out, if the tent company though that gazebo thing would be suitable as an arena they were seriously taking the piss :lol:

    suffice to say I had a great time like - could have enjoyed it more if the aforementioned elements tent was a bit louder/bassier, but still good crack - the detox tent had a fucking banging soundsystem and looked top boy when the lights and that were turned on! plus i spent about 90 percent of my time on my own since the 8+ people that i went with thought it was a much better idea to stay up in the tents - bad show :rolleyes:

    the rain on the way down was a bit of a downer but seemed to give up when we got there at 2, letting us set our tents up and start getting lairy, then it seemed to brighten up loads and was even sunny at times :)

    Hutchy, although being second played a fantastic set, and regarding he'd only been there for an hour was absolutely fucked by the time i got to talk to him 5 minutes after :lol:

    Smigs, Carson and Dan played blinders however i was a bit trollied by this time, and trying to figure out why i could smell petrol.

    missed Jon o'bir for mick and dan's set, but i can imagine that i had a better time watching them 2 than seeing him, e.g laughing my head off to the fact that they'd been partying hard for a good 10 hours+ to going on, and mick doing his micky halliwell stage dive. was funny as fuck too - plus the fact they were banging out some quality tunage throughout :D
  13. Shortee

    Shortee back of the net

    May 30, 2006
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    did you like our t-shirts? I forgot to bring the one for you :doh:
  14. smigs

    smigs by the sword of dobber

    Nov 24, 2005
    Likes Received:
    In a princess
    3) I don't know what words were exchanged between people on saturday night suffice to say myself and many others were stressed out with all the logistics. I would like to add that it is completely out of order for any DJ on the bill to physically threaten the promoter with violence when asked to shorten their set by 5 minutes. This was all due two power cuts and also DJ's + live acts over running or arriving late. Any other information or rumours doing the rounds should be dispelled at once since this only damages reputations of an event or any of the DJ's involved. As far as myself and Melt are aware *! NOBODY !* has been removed from any future lineups. Gossip and rumour mongering are best kept off the nucastle or DSI boards.

    If that was pointed at me andy and I stress I aint got a problem with you. It was not because of me that I lost my temper. I had been told Id get an hour regardless anyway if I turned up at 7pm which I bust my balls to do to help out as lucy fur was running late. Now the power cut came back on dead on 7 as I looked at my watch, melt told me to go on after just after so the dj b4 me stuck another tune on and I did'nt get on till 7:10 and was told to get off at 7:50. Now the point i'm making is not about me or my set time. The reason your brother was pulled up was because he was overheard slagging my friends of and me saying he could sack us all off cos we dont bring anybody in! And alot more was said that you probably dont know about because he's kept that shtum or fogotten about it!

    Now everyone that knows me on here will tell you, I'm straight down the line, No black and white, no bullshit! Ive even got an e-mail from your bro saying exactly that and thats what he liked about me! Now the fact of the matter is, I dont know where you stand on friendship and loyalty (from what alderz just said, I'd like to think your the kind of guy that does that right thing, no matter what the consequenses to personally will be) But I'll be dammed if I'm going to let somebody speak to about my mates like that as though there worth nothing, and I said previously I sure as hell aint going to stand and let somebody look down at sarah and tell her they cany bebothered talking to her then later on Telling to F**K OFF to her face!

    What would you have done in that situation? I dont know if he told you but it did'nt exactly happenin the middle of the arena. It happened up the top end of the fields out the way. I would'nt have done anything like that where everyone could see. I do have principles and I do have respect unlike some people seem to forget!

    Like I said andy, fair play to you for what you done for alderz, its commendable. And I do know how much effort goes into putting an event on like this and its understandable stress levels are high, but that give's noboddy any right whatsoever to treat people like that! Thats what my point was made about!
  15. marko_e


    Jun 28, 2008
    Likes Received:
    south sheids
    at the end of the day the melt shud not talk 2 a lass like that
  16. MistaK

    MistaK Modulations Staff

    May 18, 2007
    Likes Received:
    The Beach
    ahhhh ai, and seeing my artwork across the chests of the mick and dan squad :lol:

    they were well class though, i've already got the ball rolling for the next lot :D
  17. smigs

    smigs by the sword of dobber

    Nov 24, 2005
    Likes Received:
    In a princess
    Mate he should'nt talk to anybody like that, and he certainly should'nt go around shouting his mouth of to people who he has the power to sack off because he reckons there not worth having on cos they dont bring anybody in to his event! I dont think melt realises how many people the local DJ's do bring in. I can tell ya what though I know its a hell of alot more than 15!
  18. STATIC

    STATIC Registered User

    Aug 20, 2006
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    In The Matrix
    Cheers for the text Smigs, at the end of the day we can just let this one go... To be honest I don't think i've ever seen my bro so stressed in a long time. I'd actually threatened to walk off site at about 11am due to things not going right with marquees and logistics and missed every single set apart from K90. I've always said the outdoor ones are a nightmare to pull off anyway. I had very little choice but to let my set go and wasn't too bothered about playing due to all the running around I had done during the day already. All I would say is just chill on this one. Roll on Kiddstock & Detox back at the Venue in September where we have Christopher Lawrence, Andy Farley, Kutski & The Organ Donors showcasing their old skool autopsy album tour.
  19. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    Yeah, a couple of biggies to come!
  20. Carson

    Carson Registered User

    Dec 19, 2006
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    NOICE ONE!!! :love:

    - On the Detox front, was wicked crack. Still off work today recovering I was a total clip. :eek: Bit of a nightmare about the sound in the Elements tent but was in general a quality day/night.

    Great sets from Hutch, Matty, Dan, Rodi Style & Mick & Dan. :king:
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