unfortunately in the uk this has been happening for years,soon dj's will not be booked as they will be seen as an unnecessary expense,stupid games and cheap ideas will take over.bringin the ideas of club 18-30 to uk clubs.
i only seem to go to a handfull of clubs now. digitals fucking cannon fodder and full of undesirables
I was in Digital on Saturday night for the first time in ages and the crowd (around where I was stood at least) were pretty spot on. I often get the feeling most of the bitching/complaining about the place that goes on is by people who never go there and just read about it on here.
aye mate am into all sorts tbh mostly makina, german trance n hardcore, like abit donk too, like anything tbh aslong as its loud enough
i do like hardcore, i think its class when its not cheesy, but every makina track ive ever heard sounds at least 15+ years old (even if it was made yesterday), and i cant understand donk, i mean, a whole genre of music that uses the same bassline :spangled:....my lass was at the point on saturday for some reason and she said it was canny.
Yes they did. Digital approached Scott at the Hangar and asked him to put night on, I have been told this by 2 "reliable sources"
aye mate but it still does the trick for a lot of ppl a love me makina n stuff donk as in scouse is pretty boring all the same tho man like allsorts of music really tho, anything with a gud bangin bass drum ha