Whole night seemed very good to me, but unfotunately i was occupied by something else for the last hour or so Ah well :groovy:
why was that spud? Yeah friday was a good un, both played good sets. People get Real upstairs was pretty funky n groovy as well :groovy: mint after party too
Spent the last hour lookin after a m8 (who's birthday we were out for) who was in a state best described as critical :spangled: Seemed like a great night, in both rooms, but its just a shame i could'nt give it my full attention... :groovy:
Was v good. Thought it was nice to be in a decent enough state to remember it for once. Corvin was class. JFK was ok. Gutted i missed the first half of Corvins set though because me mates all decided at 11 to go to the Pitcher for an hour so i didnt get there to 12. V frustrating. Was havin a chat with Corvin at the bar after his set and he seemed a really cool bloke. Also popped into the Always room for half an hour and really enjoyed that. I hardly ever go in there but i should (i think its the fear of missin out on a tune in the main room and everyone bangin on about it afterwards).
The whole night wasnt my cuppa really. In the end me arm got twisted off me mates to go - me lip got burst in the middle of the night sadly and now i wish id stayed in and saved me ££ so i could go see me babe Thank fcuk ive got a visa
didnt get 2 promise until later on so missed corvins set but thought jkf was well fucking good!! and he played oxygen n andrea brittan-on ur mind!!! xxxxx