My DJ set and videos from We Love… Space 5th July

Discussion in 'DJ Mixes' started by absolutemoron, Jul 16, 2009.

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  1. Pierre


    Mar 13, 2006
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    Gateshead Ghetto
    I agree with Conway like it has to be said
  2. absolutemoron


    Nov 13, 2007
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    I know I said I wouldn't be back here, however I saw in my emails a PM that Conway (Phil) had posted. It was a VERY gracious apology so I thought I'd return and let everyone else know about it, as I feel that it would be unfair to call him out for something I disagreed with, but then not publically accept it when amends have been made. So thanks Phil, apology gratefully accepted, fair play as it takes bigger balls to do than to delete my reply which you could just as easily have done.

    I actually agree with Phil on many points. I accept that I have primarily used the board promotionally and I know that can be annoying. I apologise to anyone I have annoyed - that said I stick by my original point - it's not like I'm a serial or serious offender, it's once or twice per year - Phil used the right word when he admitted to being 'over-zealous'! He's also right that I've never DJ'ed north of Harrogate where I grew up - however the point of posting the mixes on here (and on Habit forum) was to perhaps draw some attention and/or demand in the North-East as I'd love to play in that part of the world at some point. This episode isn't how I intended to draw attention to myself though! :lol: Finally, I'd agree that if people actually commented when they like something then this wouldn't happen...

    I feel like everyone has learned a valuable lesson here (is this the end of an episode of some awful US family sitcom?)! Message boards are a great way of fans of dance music to get together - I have made real-life friendships on forums over the years - but they are largely dying out which I find sad. Since graduating I have much less personal time to spend on them (that explains why I got a 2:2), which is why I tend to post only when I've done a new mix (seems like an annual occurrence too these days). However I accept that solely posting promotional posts does not contribute that much to the community - even though I'm offering you a free mix, which is a positive contribution, by doing so I am also being part of the mountain of promo which comes through this board and others every single day, which when taken all together, actually has a negative effect on the community.

    I think Phil would accept that having an itchy trigger finger as an admin does not help the community as it can make people feel unwelcome (I am making a point solely about this occurence, I've not been around the board enough to make an overall comment on him as an admin, even if I had it would be inappropriate). But, speaking generally, I feel that the way some people hide behind the anonymity of message boards to behave in a way they wouldn't in a face-to-face situation also damages message board communities.

    Finally, everyone else - if you like something that's been posted, then say so! Likewise, if you don't, then say so (in a way you'd say to someone's face - constructive criticism I think they call it!)! Believe it or not, I didn't just post this and f*ck off hoping to achieve some downloads - I always revisit my posts hope in the hope someone has left a comment that I can actually get into a conversation about! My bumping is meant to encourage feedback as much as pushing it back up the list!

    I'm glad to have sparked some debate on this thread anyway, even though this isn't the way I'd have chosen to go about it! Thanks to those who stuck up for me, and thanks to Phil for ultimately being very fair - you have certainly regained my respect and I hope that others who have read the thread feel the same. I'll try and visit the baord more often, though my move to London this week will mean it may be a little while before I can return!


    Leo :)
  3. RobBrown

    RobBrown Registered User

    Dec 8, 2005
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    ....the sad thing is,, no one should be pushed into a corner to explain themselves, just putting the music up is good enough for me.

  4. RobBrown

    RobBrown Registered User

    Dec 8, 2005
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    [ame=""]YouTube - What Have The Romans...[/ame]




    Thankyou !!......what banter ? :lol:

  5. graham

    graham Registered User

    Nov 14, 2001
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