external hard drives?? i am after an external hardrive to keep my pics on instead of on my main hard drive of my laptop...any one suggest a decent one that is cheap?? had a brief look on ebay
you can get like 32 gig dongles now, plenty for photos. try www.7dayshop.com and search "memory stick"
yeh i got a 250 mb external from there a while ago!! theres a good Danelec 8gig Mem Stick on offer at 7dayshop for £9.99
i picked a Verbatim 1TB Desktop drive up a few weeks ago for £61.99, they've gone up to £71.99 now but still a great price. http://www.cdiscount.co.uk/Computin...-_-n/a&tduid=405ddcecf91f879c3eb817cb70747c26
750gig at under £50 http://www.scan.co.uk/Products/750G...o-USB2-External-Hard-Disk-Drive-PC-MAC-Retail