Woman who refused caesarian section was 'abusing' her child. New Jersey appellate court found that V.M. and B.G. had abused and neglected their child, based on the fact that the mother, V.M., refused to consent to a cesarean section and behaved erratically while in labor. The mother gave birth vaginally without incident, and the baby was "in good medical condition." Then she was never returned to her parents, and the judge in the case approved a plan to terminate their parental rights and give custody of the child to foster parents. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/louise-marie-roth/is-a-woman-in-labor-a-per_b_242307.html A woman in CHILDBIRTH was acting 'erratically' during labour. HAHAHAH!! If i was about to squeeze something the size of a melon out of me i MIGHT be acting a bit 'erratic' as well. Since when is refusing a C section classed as 'abuse' ???. MADNESS!
it's not the full story. If you read the court documents, you find the woman had psychiatric problems before and during pregnancy. Still, I'm not sure it was justified.