What to do, what to do... CDJs vs Laptop + controller. Thoughts?

Discussion in 'Technology' started by Anth_SureFire, Oct 14, 2009.

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  1. Anth_SureFire

    Anth_SureFire The rhythm, the rebel

    Jul 28, 2009
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    Blyth, Northumberland
    What to do, what to do... CDJs vs Laptop + controller. Thoughts?

    I'm having trouble deciding...

    At the minute I own a pair of CDJ1000 MK3 turntables and a DJM800 mixer. For the purposes of transportation and convenience I'm considering (possibly foolishly) selling the lot and going completely digital with the money. Laptop plus controller and software. The controller that's caught my eye so far is the Vestax VCi 100. I'm also considering buying an Akai APC40 as well if I do sell my gear so that I can get to grips with using Ableton when playing out..!

    I already have it in my head that I'd eventually move onto a setup that would incorporate a laptop plus Virtual DJ software and controller CD's, like Traktor Pro for instance with the discs and soundcard. That much is a given. I'm just wondering if this alternative route would be the way to go as, in my mind, I'd be doing the exact same thing - utilizing the same functionality but with less hassle..! Also, because the SureFire nites I promote are held at a venue that doesn't have it's own set up there's the added convenience that I needn't worry about shifting my existing heavy equipment to The Telegraph. A laptop and controller would simply slot straight into a bag that I could take on the bus!

    That said, my existing set up is immense (cited by the majority as industry standard) so I don't want to be left feeling like I've made a huge mistake if I do sell it off!

    Suggestions regarding equipment are welcome, as well as cases for and against me going 100% digital.

    Cheers in advance x
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Jase

    Jase Blue Booked

    Nov 7, 2004
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    if you're putting on nights you should keep all that fancy gear for when you get other djs on.

    if you're doing your own thing more often, think about yourself. setting a laptop up when you arrive is a chew on. turning up with cds is a lot easier. however, burning cds is a chew on also

    i dj out everytime with a mixer, laptop and 1 cdj - 6 hour sets is the norm, this weekend i have 2 x 7hour sets to do with it

    i turn up with 2 bags

    if you want real portability look at the vci 300 or if you can wait, allen and heath are just about to drop the xone dx
  4. geordietoonlad

    geordietoonlad TAPPA B

    Jul 2, 2005
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    Whitley bay
    hey knotty if ur selling up and going digital al have first dibs on ya djm800 like :D lol

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