Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TheSpence, Oct 22, 2009.

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  1. Chris S

    Chris S Monkey Tennis?

    Jun 3, 2002
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    lol @ cassetteboy

    the show was very one sided I thought. Couldnt see any shady looking skinheads in the audience at all
  2. Earl Grey

    Earl Grey time for tea

    Dec 2, 2004
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    hugging trees , if you dont like it , fuck off , i
    no comment :)
  3. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    I thought it was a brillaint coup for the party. The oposition where so filled with petty hate and spouting off crap that wasnt even relevant, it just looked like a setup to bully and discredit him. Feed back today shows floating voters that tuned in thought just as much as well. What a fucking backfire. The questions where so few and so picked (blacks and torys boys) that it wasnt a "question time" at all.

    Greer didnt have a fucking clue the yank bitch. Dumb yank said their was no life on these isles during the iceage, errrrrr. wrong. Man was still here.

    As for "life began in africa" :lol: ok lifve also began in a stagnant pond with a few tadpoles if you want to go back that far.

    Griffan should never have mentioned the Holocast i bet he regrets that so much now, it was early career and its the lamos favorite weapon against him now.

    The ONLY dencent question was "Has the poor immigration policy of the goverment aided the BNP's popularity" and it dumfounded the spineless coward Jack Straw and was then dodged by everyone else, they where running scared imo. There is no defending the Immigration policy so they cant answer it!

    Griffan owned the show with his comment "Go ask the Mauris in New Zealand and the Americna Indians if they arnt Indigenous peoples of their country" FUCKING OWNED.

    And for Jack Straw getting told his Grandfather was a cowardly jailbird when Griffians Granpops was fighting the Nazis in the RAF :lol: fuck me i dont think iv seen someone pinned to the floor by a comment on TV as sweetly. He couldnt answer a question for the rest of the night.

    All in all a good nights work for BNP and a hilarious backfire on the BBC.

    The BNP need someone sharper to front the party tho I dont care if NG is cambridge educated he has been forever tainted by the Holohoux comments. I have no doubt someone better will cokme along in the near future esp if thing continue the way they are in this country
  4. Conway

    Conway helmet Staff

    Apr 16, 2003
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    I'd agree with you there - Griffin should have been given far more time to speak so he could discredit himself further...

    Griffin didn't have a clue either. "A non-violent wing of the Ku Klux Clan"?! The clan sects are all lynch mobs and outright racists. To claim otherwise is laughable.

    Correct. It's probably not helped by things like this:

    No he didn't. I love how you and him keep trying to identify the British people as "indigenous". Yet we've been invaded by the Romans, the Vikings, the Normans, and then you've got domestic migration as well from the Celts. Genetically we're all over the place. The only thing that makes us "native" is the fact we were born here. Along with people of other colours and ethnic background...

    I'd love to know what your family tree looks like, because I bet at some point further up the line your ancestors have probably cross-bred with one of these groups. So by your logic, you have no right to be here. Filthy immigrant :rolleyes:

    The only point Griffin got in which was of any note. Apart from that his entire night was spent denying comments he'd made in past interviews and speeches, even when there was video evidence of him saying it.

    I fail to see what you have against immigrants and people of other backgrounds to your own. The majority of them come over here, work their arses off and keep themselves to themselves. They pay their taxes and try to live honestly, something that can't be said for yourself...
  5. adam.

    adam. kthxbi

    Dec 10, 2003
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    germaine greers Australian
  6. Conway

    Conway helmet Staff

    Apr 16, 2003
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    Bonnie Greer, not Germaine :wink: :)
  7. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    The problem with the BNP, is that most of the people who support them, do so because of their own ignorance. This country ASKS and ALLOWS people to come here and live their lives, then the 'locals' turn their frustrations on the people themselves, for DARING to want the best for themselves instead of the decision makers.

    Unfortunately its our base, tribal mentality that is too dumb to see beyond the fact theres a black/brown face in front of them and theres an instant knee jerk reaction.

    I suppose its too much of an effort to understand the WHY's as opposed to just making infantile racist jibes and the like.
  8. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    Yeah and we came from two types of slimey tadpoles shagging in a pond as i said before.

    Everyones a immigrant unless they live on the continant of Africa if you want to go that far :lol:

    We are mainly Scandanavian and German here hench our lovely white skin and almost perfect teeth. :screw:
  9. Dan

    Dan Registered User

    Jan 2, 2007
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    The man is a complete tool but whats the big fuss about?

    A bloke went on tv, confirmed what we all knew already but also talked a little bit of sense. Our policies on immigration need tightening up. We've got enough of our own fidling the system. In these dificult times we dont want people from other countries coming to do the same.

    The whole thing was a diversion from the REAL problem though. People are going nuts over it. Whats it matter? RBS announce that they've put aside billions for bonuses and Halifax announce those new overdraft charges. Not to mention the hundreds of lives and billions of £ being wasted on 2 absolutely pointless wars.

    If the whole things proved anything its how easy the media can sway public attention away from the real problems this country has.
  10. forks

    forks still not dead

    Nov 21, 2005
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    hurtling towards nirvana
    how true
  11. Ferox

    Ferox Shamanic Tea

    Oct 19, 2003
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    Wrong. Ask any Maori where they are from, they will say the Pacific Islands. They sailed over to New Zealand 800 years ago, and basically ate the Moriori, and drove them down to the Chatham Islands, a few hundred miles south of New Zealand. This is why the Maori call themselves maneaters, and probably also why the lasses try to give you massive hickies. The only way you can tell the difference between a Samoan and a 'dark' Maori is by the accent, although there is no such thing as a true Maori now, they all have white blood in them. I've met some who are only 1 16th Maori, have blonde hair, blue eyes. This is so they can get 'indigenous benefits' – you can claim to be indigenous if you are 1/16th Maori. So going by that logic why can't a half caste Englishman claim to be indigenous? Griffin is a fucking idiot for using that anology. You seen the BNP member list? Quite a few have addresses in Australia and New Zealand, but I bet they slag off the indigenous people off every day, and any one who isn't white for that matter.

    Griffin should have researched this more.
  12. Ferox

    Ferox Shamanic Tea

    Oct 19, 2003
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    Oh, and Russell Crowe is 1 16th Maori, so Maori by definition. Maybe Nick Grffin should go ask him if he is an ingineous person of New Zealand.
  13. Ferox

    Ferox Shamanic Tea

    Oct 19, 2003
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    One final point to prove its all about skin colour. Jamie Oliver is sixth generation Sudanese. I'd love to see Griffin to tell him to go back to Darfour.
  14. hummel

    hummel Fucking imbecile

    Jul 20, 2002
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    I fucking wish he would, Jamie Oliver is a right cunt :lol:
  15. Gary Proud

    Gary Proud Registered User

    Apr 4, 2005
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    One of the fairest write up's I've seen about the whole programme.
  16. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    So you didnt see the show then?

    Griffan said he was happy for ethnics born here to stay. That includes fat tounge Oliver :(

    He said that in reply to perhaps the only question asked on the night that gave him any chance of putting across a BNP policy. Its a shame there was no chance to put across any BNP policys ideas because from the replys on here people dont know much about them.

    There are genes in a lot of us that you wouldnt even dream of, ethnic traces that defy written history. Black genes in us from times before we even thought we knew Africa existed, yet they exist in our genes. Humans mating is much like pollen drifting across a field impossible to control or lable. We are not talking about the history of fucking britan tho so what the fuck does it matter

    BUT this isnt the issue and every time iv heard this this week iv chuckled. Its clouding the situation so much... this isnt a issue with "Nick Griffan" or the "BNP". These figures are such, just figures... supposed to represent the people of this country that vote for them. The issue isnt with the BNP its with (any why) the 22% of the Electorate that are willing to seriously consider voting BNP next election.

    This isnt a racisim issue (racism is so last century) This is a immigration issue.

    Bury your heads in the sand all you like its what they are hoping you will do
  17. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    What a pointless post.

    So they are Indigenous of the Pacific Islands then, ask them that :lol:

    I doubt very much griffan cares a fuck if he knows his maori history pal.

    No one seemed to know what the fuck they where talking about on that show
  18. Ferox

    Ferox Shamanic Tea

    Oct 19, 2003
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    The BNP keep going on about 'ethnic' bringing their relatives in on various types of visas.

    If I want to bring my African Dad into this country (not that he would want to live in this shithole anyway) on whatever visa I wanted to, it is my right. Grif probably wouldn't even know he's foreign as he's white. Just as it should be Ali from the local cornershops right to bring whatever relative he wants to over from Pakistan, but he'd be right on the case as he's brown. And there is the racism.
  19. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    You cant just "bring you dad over" to other countrys tho (canada/oz) unless they have a job or 200k in the bank.

    in this country you need a taxi fare and to be able to say "i am gay if i go home they will kill me"

    they should make them suck a cock right there and then to prove it
  20. Ferox

    Ferox Shamanic Tea

    Oct 19, 2003
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    I'm unemployed and my Dad is applying for his parent visa through me as soon as I get my Oz residency in March when my Aussie kid is born, so you are wrong. He simply needs to pay the government a $35000 (about 18k) sweetener. If he was under 45 though, 1k.

    And I've met a couple of Iranians in Oz who got residency for taking it up the rear. They used to put them in detention camps on Christmas Island til Kevin Rudd got in, none of that now though.

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