
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by james909, Jun 1, 2010.

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  1. james909

    james909 Registered User

    Feb 24, 2004
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    Last Train To No Where.

    My Girlfriend is taking me to Berlin for a blelated Birthday present between July 7th and 14th.

    Does any one have and advice on where to go and what to see, going with a few of her mate who are into techno (not the really the minimal stuff more Robert Hood,Surgeon etc.)

    Any ideas other that Berhgain (spelling) waterfront and tresor to go to. Is berhgain as hard as i am led to beleive to get into it. Also where is good for afterpartys and getting good rugs.

    Record shop reccomendations would be good as well as pubs and decent places for food.

    Thanks in advance.
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. NicolaTeexx


    Oct 7, 2009
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    Penshaw :)
    Read this on another forum :)

    might help..

    got back last night from berlin, amazing few days of clubbing it, made all the top clubs, incredible, hard to really decribe how amazing places like tresor, berghain/panorama bar, bar 25, watergate truly need to go and experience them for yourselves...they put everything else (and i've done a load of clubs throughout europe) to shame really, its now wonder they are in the top 10 ranked clubs in mixmag, dj mag, resident advisor...

    tresor...long narrow corridor,to get into it, just a strobe as you walk along...its like a scene from aliens, all you can see is smoke/strobes going off...increbile hard techno

    berghain/panorama bar...believe the hype, hard to think any club could touch it, its essentially studio 54, but for techno and not disco (same type of vibe, crowd, attitude, freedom/individuality rules), we went on saturday morning at 6am, got a knock back, tried again on the sunday morning, waited 40mins to get in at 6.45 in the morning...i finally left at 4.30pm...all sorts going on in that club..berghain is the downstairs part, heavier techno gets played, lot of the gay muscle boys hanging about, but its really mixed/diverse, lot of arty typoes, the clubbers, all ages were talking, go upstairs to panorama bar, techno/house getting played...every now and again the shutters will be opened, letting the sunlight in, crowd goes nuts, shuttters go up again and bass kicks in heavier!!! (some sights to be seen when you see the faces in the daylihgt!!..some trannies/drag queens, mixed with some of the most amazing lookign models, amazing outfits...just a lot going on

    as an idea of what its like/what to expect.., this was the set times from the saturday when we went: saw most of sebo k, superb, pity i missed paul ritch though (2 french guys in the hostel we stayed at waited 2.5hrs to get into berghain, got a knockback, had flown from paris just to get in as well)i stayed til the last scheduled guy came on at 4pm...although from speaking to a few folk it was due to run until early monday...heavy session..thinking will go back, just get saturday flight and then see about flight back sunday night...

    Saturday May 15th
    > Running Order Berghain
    > 23:59 h - 04:00 h Benno Blome
    > 04:00 h - 05:00 h Paul Ritch LIVE
    > 05:00 h - 08:00 h Marc Antona
    > 08:00 h - 09:00 h Format:B LIVE
    > 09:00 h - End Tom Clark
    > Running Order Panorama Bar
    > 23:59 h - 03:00 h Homm & Popoviciu
    > 03:00 h - 06:00 h Jens Bond
    > 06:00 h - 07:00 h Tigerskin LIVE
    > 07:00 h - 10:00 h Sebo K
    > 10:00 h - 11:00 h Prompt LIVE
    > 11:00 h - 14:00 h Todd Bodine
    > 14:00 h - 16:00 h Phage & Daniel Dreier
    > 16:00 h - End Guido Schneider

    dj mag review of berghain:

    As far as techno goes, there is little debate about where the centre of the universe lies at the moment - deep inside the vast vortex of 70 Am Wriezener Bahnhof, Berlin. Or Berghain and its upstairs Panorama Bar to be specific.

    Like its '90s Berlin forefathers E-Werk and Tresor before it, the unhinged happenings of Berghain are resonating out of the German capital and shaping the future of this sound like no other space on Earth.
    Joris Voorn describes it as "the true definition of a techno club that is all about the music", Joel Mull believes it is "the temple of techno and house on planet Earth", whilst Paul Woolford lauds it as "a massive inspiration for anybody serious about house and techno culture".
    But for the thousands that are magnetised here from Germany, Spain, Italy, the UK and beyond, those words will amount to nothing more than preaching to the converted. In 2009, Berghain is the essential techno pilgrimage.

    A colossus in every sense, the towering former power station has hosted just about every key name in techno. But whereas most clubs merely showcase them, Berghain hands its DJs the time, space and freedom to explore the full ********s of their craft.
    Where else will you see Carl Craig play for the best part of a waking day or Laurent Garnier (it was where he first roadtested his Innervisions release 'Back To My Roots') embark on a marathon voyage just as the rest of Europe is tucking into Sunday lunch? Even the very shortest sets at this place tend towards the three-hour mark.
    "You can go into deep, slow 110bpm burners from someone like Moodyman, take it up to 130bpm techno classics - and everything in between," explains Jesse Rose. "As long as you get your groove on the crowd will follow."

    Bringing house names like Switch, Sneak and Derrick Carter to Berlin, Jesse's monthly Made To Play residency in the Panorama Bar is a perfect example of Berghain's musical democracy. For whilst rising tall as an undisputed techno stronghold, Berghain is far from a closed musical fortress with Jerome Sydenham's soulful deepness, Distance's edgy industrial dubstep and the dystopian voodoo rhythms of Shackleton all finding a home here.

    Of course, any weekly club will always be mastered by its residents and in Marcel Dettman Berghain have a DJ that has commanded the main room since 2004. His 'Berghain 02' mix frames the sound of the club at its best - deep, intense, hypnotic and informed by past, present and future in equal measure.

    But what really places Berghain in another dimension altogether is that perpetual air of unchecked debauchery. One that consumes the concepts of time and space entirely. As Jesse Rose explains: "Entering Panorama Bar is like going back in time to an age when people went out to really party."
    A true hedonists' playground, no club on earth goes deeper, or longer, than the full Berghain/Panorama Bar experience at the moment. Beginning at midnight and just about hitting stride at 10am every Sunday morning in the Panorama Bar, it runs to the late hours of Sunday evening each week.

    It is always the forbidden pleasures that satisfy the very deepest urges and the journey into Berghain's abyss is laced with deviant exploration from the start.
    Lying like a dark secret at the end of dusty, fence-enclosed road, its huge looming face is as foreboding as the militant rhythms that have become associated with peak-time Berghain.
    But whilst the bouncers are notoriously selective, once you finally infiltrate the mainframe it is anything goes.
    A reincarnation of Berlin's legendary Ostgut club, which regularly hosted men-only fetish night 'Snax' between '98 and '03, Berghain is still witness to open sex acts - there's even a basement space called The Laboratory designed specifically for them - but it remains a mixed and musically focused environment.
    Forget about VIP areas, mirrors in the toilets and your camera (photography is one of the only practices that is actually outlawed here), Berghain's inner structures are two of the most pure, epic and stripped-back rave environments you ever will encounter. All exposed concrete and steelwork, the Berghain main room is the very definition of industrial and cavernous with ceilings so high they might as well not exist at all.
    Sundays, of course, are all about Panorama Bar with the slightly more intimate dancefloor and the club's famous shutters that allow the breaking day's light to momentarily infiltrate the venue, only to shut moments later, leaving you lost in the timeless vortex of hedonism.
    "Words really cannot describe how good this place is but I will try," says Matt Edwards, aka Radio Slave. "It is the real deal, run by incredibly dedicated people who love music and understand what makes a club work. It really is a place where you get lost in time and space."
    Berlin's Berghain puts nearly every other club in the world to shame with its impeccable sound, music programming, and unique design. For clubbers, it's a veritable embarrassment of riches. If you're ready to make a night of it, you can head downstairs for the uncompromising techno of Marcel Dettman, or ascend to the Panoramabar and the heavenly house music proffered by Cassy. Famed for its marathon sessions, you can get as lost as you want to be in its cavernous environs.
  4. james909

    james909 Registered User

    Feb 24, 2004
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    Last Train To No Where.
    Thanks sounds great

    Now Glade is cancelled i am off the berlin instead and i am welll up 48hours of technoi hedonism.

    Just need tips on what to wear how to act to get in going with three girls i don't look like aq total caharver though i wear nikes and a grey hoody plus an army style mash hat.

    Will that and an Underground resistence t-shirt be cool or should i lnot wear the hat i don;t speak german either.

    Really want to go but not get knocked back for looking like a radge brit.

    Also what the standard of narcs like over there.
  5. Mr.B.ThatsMe

    Mr.B.ThatsMe 'yi raji puff

    Mar 7, 2005
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    Sounds like the bouncers are only picky to enhance the club for the people who are there for the music and none of the carry on you find in the likes of newcastle then..
  6. james909

    james909 Registered User

    Feb 24, 2004
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    Last Train To No Where.
    Cool i dress like a skater really just like hats, hoody and nikes will keep quiet in the que, i am quite well spoken so not going to go "how ye lets us in ya huckle hew" at them plus going with three girls as long as my girlfriend does not get too drunk and go on to them about newcastle united we should be good.

    Are there any clubs play stuff like the advent and robert hood stuff rather than the mainstream minimal sound wheres good for afterpartys and how easy is it to get decent mandy over there and where is the best place to look.

    Loads of questions i know but off for a week and it the first timedue to work i have been able to away in three years.
  7. trance_fan

    trance_fan Registered User

    Nov 7, 2002
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    I went for a week last October half term and had a great time. Really good mix of sightseeing and nightlife.

    Was just me and a mate so had no bother with bars or clubs. Went to Tresor and Watergate and both are really good. Tresor is in a really cool setting in East Berlin, old commy warehouse style. Really tough music and seriously dark. Loved it. The dance floor in Watergate is mad, music less tough. We decided not to bother with Berghain due to the KB risk.

    In terms of DJ's & styles...don't really follow dance music like I once did so couldn't really relate to any artists/DJ's.

    In terms of bars, there are plenty, but if you are thinking German beer hall style with Steins then Berlin isn't really the place for it as that's a Bavarian thing. I found the bars to be quite spread out and must admit I can't remember where there is a specific area with a strip or whatever. There are a daft amount of beers though and some great wheat beer if you like it. In terms of food we had a good mix of street stalls/cafe's (bratwurst!) and traditional places with massive piles of sauerkraut and meat. There are also some awesome kebab shops.

    If you fancy a bit of sightseeing then I can highly reccomend a walking tour, they cost about 10-15 euros and last a good few hours. We did the Third Reich tour and it was excellent.

    Overall it's a very reasonably priced place and a cracking city. I suggest getting the week long transport pass for zones A and B. This gets you on the S-Bahn, U-Bhan, Trams and Buses and costs €26,20 - bargain.

    Other stuff to consider:

    - Soviet memorial at Treptower Park
    - Holocaust memorial
    - Sachsenhausen concencreation camp
    - Olympic stadium
    - Topography of Terror, on the site of the old SS headquarters
    - Tiergarten (another Russian memorial)
    - Potsdamer Platz...Sony centre etc, cool building

    Of course if history/sightseeing isn't really your thing then there is still plenty to keep you occupied.
  8. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    id recommend you cancel and go to franfurt instead

    hope this helps
  9. james909

    james909 Registered User

    Feb 24, 2004
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    Last Train To No Where.
    Not really but it helps keep your post count up.

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