[Mar 23, 2012] Neil Landstrumm-LIVE Uncle Peter (Vic Reeves) akaCharlie Chuck@MILKTHECOW (NE4 7AD)

Discussion in 'Going Out' started by MilktheCowNewcastle, Jan 24, 2012.

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  1. MilktheCowNewcastle


    Dec 13, 2011
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    Newcastle upon Tyne
    DISCOUNT ADVANCE TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE: http://www.wegottickets.com/event/151760

    Room 1 – The best of Rave from NOW! The best of rave from back in the day! BasslineRave,Dubstep,Wonky
    Tech/ 90’s Drum’N’Bass, old skool hardcore, jungletekno, techno classics:


    (Planet Mu, Tresor, Scandinavia, Combat Records)

    Starting out back in 93, Landstrumm is a man with SOME SERIOUS TECHNO-STRIPES! He spends his time rubbing MUCK INTO HIS MACHINES honing his low-end dexterity and MASTERFUL USE OF BASS, the end result being A SOUND SYSTEM DESTROYER of the most enjoyable kind, blending ANALOGUE SUBWONKING GROOVES, blustering basslines and whipcracking snares. Taking influences from BLEEPY old-school hardcore rave, crunk, garage and acid dipped synthwave. He WROTE THE BLUEPRINT for WONK-STEP or WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU WANT TO CALL IT, so you’d be an absolute knacker to miss this live set from AN ALL ROUND ECLECTIC ELECTRONIC LIVING LEGEND!

    He’s also collaborated with the likes of Si Begg, Rustie and the Ragga Twins and worked in the motion graphics field with MTV, Rockstar Games and The Magnificents.

    Neil Landstrumm January 2012 interview: http://skirmishcork.blogspot.com/2012/01/interview-neil-landstrumm.html

    Neil Landstrumm video interview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfKN4hWvyEI

    Landstrumm- Rave step mix: http://www.spannered.org/radio/1110/

    Landstrumm - Polski Interceptor Session Live Dubrave Mix: http://samurai.fm/features/neil-landstrumm-polski-interceptor-session-live-mix

    Landstrumm- Lemon rave mix http://soundcloud.com/lemon-community/neil-landstrumm-lemon-rave-promo-mix


    FUNSIZE JOHNNY (Detox,Bodymelt,Milk the Cow,everywhere)

    'It's his birthday and he'll play what he wants to'

    One of the soundest lads on the scene and one of the elite few who are guarenteed to smash the dancefloor with quality skills and tune selection every time. It's Johnnys 30th Birthday on the night and we're priveledged that a lad whose done so much to promote quality electronic music in the North East is celebrating at The Cow' Much love J, but welcome to the ranks of being an old cunt.

    UEP (GGM/Bangface/Backlash/Milk the Cow/fucking everywhere since day)

    Special treats always in store from a man whose been a foundation of the scene since day one. After the sheer treachery he displayed over the Christmas period sacking off the Mash Up for an infinitly better booking at Bangface with MC Hi-Viz, you must ask yourself dear reader would you have done the same? Yes,yes indeed you would ;) In all seriousness though we're all very proud that the lads are finally getting the shine they deserve after all the hard work they've put into the scene for many years. Repping the North East to the fullest nationally.Catch MTC Mandem UEP and Armaged:DON in Brighton the night before the Toon smash them in the FA Cup.Lionel Messy: http://www.facebook.com/events/295287123838277/

    ANDREW SEIDEL (Milk the Cow resident)

    A man fast making a name for himself on the scene once again,an original resident from the 90's, Sid plays an eclectic variety of styles with mixing as tight as fuck and creative with it. The obvious choice to hold the fort as MTC resident. Sid's destined to be another one to fuck us off sooner rather than later having smashed the crap out of a big booking in Calgary,Canada on New Years Eve.Big things are afoot for the man in 2012 with guest slots coming up around the UK.Come and see him now before he gets pure massive and pretends he doesn't know you anymore.

    FRIDGEMAN has been a familiar face at North East raves both behind the decks and as sound tech with drop the bass soundsystem. He has recently set up a new system - Raw Vibe - and is one half of Ko:alition, which will be bringing bassline and jungle to the Cooperage in 2012. His keeps his sets lively and dancefloor oriented with quick mixing across bassline, UK funky, breaks and whatever other bass style fits into the mix. Fridgeman will be joined on the night by:

    MC HI VIZ (Bangface,Rollies for Mice,Backlash)

    Check out his FRIDGEMANS production here: http://soundcloud.com/djfridgeman and mixes here: http://www.mixcloud.com/djfridgeman/

    Comedy story telling and live wrong doing plus seedy DJ sets spinning Charity shop & carboot sale bargains/70’s & 80’s filth/Gangsta rap/italodisco/electrosoul/guilty pleasures:


    Be warned THE MAD MAN OF COMEDY ‘Charlie Chuck’ is HERE TO RANT AT YOU! The realisation you’re all paying to spend an hour in the company of A SHIFTY BUS STOP MENTALIST will not be lost on you. Under the HENDRIX BOUFANT & WORN OUT TUXEDO hear his SURREAL OUTBURSTS shouted out more-or-less at random with words like “DONKEY!” and “WOOF! BARK! URCHIN BOW WOW” ! LET’S JUST SAY HE’S A WEE BIT SPECIAL. Chuck came to fame in his starring role as UNCLE PETER on BBC’s REEVES & MORTIMER and has worked alongside FRANK SIDEBOTTOM, played drums on tour with the SMALL FACES,was invited by PAUL McCARTNEY himself to perform at his birthday party and was once the face of CADBURY’S DOUBLE DECKER!


    "a masterpiece of oddity...Just make sure you get there before the ambulance arrives "
    (The Scotsman)

    "15 shades of insane and completely hysterical...people literally doubling over with laughter...the drum scene is hilarious"

    "Donkey! Cakey pig! What? Cult lunacy as the outrageously coiffured sidekick of Reeves & Mortimer with an infectious fondness for nonsense catchphrasing presents a surreal exploration of the fictional miser."

    "Charlie Chuck is a real genius lunatic."

    "His hysterical act has won him a cult audience."

    "An indescribable treat."
    (Scotland on Sunday)

    "Charlie Chuck won't hurt you."
    (Paul McCartney)

    Milk the Cow mandems:

    PEGZ (Rollies for Mice,Backlash,Sublevel 2,Milk the Cow)-Digging in the crates Hip Hop set

    If Stephen Fry is a national treasure this fucker is his musical equivalent in the North East. The man is a walking encyclopedia when it comes to the tunes. His set at the last Milk the Cow was off the chain and packed the room out, which is no mean feat considering Drums of Death was on downstairs. Do not miss this set,guarenteed to make the gusset of your Y-fronts look like the Turin Shroud.

    13 Years after its untimely demise in the 90’s Newcastle’s original eclectic electronic music night rises again from the ashes once more to bring you 2 rooms of lactating beats and purile comedy straight from the udderground!

    Donschlong de Marco

    Mr Spatuzzi

    Big up yaselves everyone who came to see Drums of Death, Mustard Gunn, Captain Hotknives and the MTC crew smash it at the Christmas Mash Up. We're working on a special line up at the moment, details released on our like page here first:




    Twatter: @milkthecowtoon

    Milk the Cow was a much loved clubnight in the late 90's in Newcastle. Starting out life at Newcastle Arts Centre, the night quickly outgrew the venue and moved to a regular fortnightly slot at the legendary Rockshots club in Waterloo Street. Championing a diverse selection of underground music in 2 rooms, no 2 nights were ever the same at a time just before the big corporate highjack of the scene.

    Some of the people who played there,socialised there and some who were the subject of strong suggestions of behaviour modification from the legendary diplomatic corps on the door there, have went on to bigger things; setting up their own labels,clubnights and criminal empires with some notoriety.

    When Milk the Cow came to an end in 1998,the organisers,luminaries and rent-a-crowd went their seperate ways with some going on to produce infamous clubnights and events in the area such as Fuelled by Hate,Filth,Backlash etc which have left their mark on the scene whereas some decided to 'grow the fuck up',realising they'd shot their bolt to early with the persians and have spent the best part of the last decade shovelling liquified cerrebellum up their cochleas with their decrepit sub-gibbon wank talons, regretting every second of the onset of the earliest quarter-life crisis since Adrian Mole was mugged off by Pandora for being a proper poindexter and/or sucking major league corporate cock for baccy.Trustafarii in excelcius.

    People have asked us many times over the years to bring the night back, there's no particular reason why we've decided to do it now 13 years after the fact. It just feels right. What hasn't changed in this time is our shared love and passion for the music and we'll put as much of that into this as we ever have.

    As you're all aware Rockshots is sadly not with us anymore and is now just another set of homogeonous MDF identikit hellholes which have afflicted our fair city since the turn of the millenium. We've decided to get as close as we can geographically with a venue that has a similar vibe to 'Shots in 'The Globe' just off Scotswood Road. What swung it for us in all honesty is the fact they've got a quality bugle terrace upstairs for talking shite in like a proper daftys kitchen in Elswick.

    See you there.Lets kick the fucking lips off it.[​IMG]
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. james909

    james909 Registered User

    Feb 24, 2004
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    Last Train To No Where.
    Looking forward to it lads and next week at distorted
  4. Earl Grey

    Earl Grey time for tea

    Dec 2, 2004
    Likes Received:
    hugging trees , if you dont like it , fuck off , i
    jonny is nolonger fun size he is man size
  5. Ash1

    Ash1 Registered User

    Apr 20, 2003
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    Tikets on door 4 this?
  6. MELT

    MELT Registered User

    Jun 20, 2006
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    it doesnt matter if johnny is fun size or man size he still builds rickety buildings

    funniest thing I have ever heard him say to a lass .............at an after party and I QUOTE............

    "you know how they call me fun size....it doesnt mean i have a small cock or anything"

    THIS IS TRUE!!!!!!!!!
  7. MELT

    MELT Registered User

    Jun 20, 2006
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    SAVING MESELF FOR johnny northumberland arms adventure and milk the cows real warehouse rave up


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