Scott Bradford / Anthony Pappa in Newcastle (2022)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Nass, Feb 17, 2022.

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  1. Nass

    Nass sound. Staff

    Oct 10, 2002
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    Limassol, Cyprus / Newcastle UK
    I thought I'd post in here what's happened recently as I pretty much left the clubbing scene around 2008 onwards. Although Facebook killed Forums I kind of wish it didn't and I still find myself checking here sometimes!

    So, over the last 5 years or so I realised my passion was still music, I just basically didn't want to be up until 5am (or later), and I learned how to DJ as a hobby and got the odd gig in Newcastle.

    It was good but I also noticed a lot of people had grown out of it by 2015 if not earlier - kids, careers, businesses. I'd done the latter and I'm actually engaged to a board member now if any of you remember Sophie / @SoapieTW

    Our neighbour was deaf and I had a PA sound system given to me, so I started getting in touch with friends and every few months would organise a daytime gathering - by midnight we had already had 8 or 10 hours at it so we still enjoyed our Sundays. We lived in Denton Burn so I thought it was prudent to call it Foundenton.

    Many from here came Baldy, Doddy, Conway, Orbit, Diamond Phil, Alan Ruddick, Rossy, MOS, Crasherkid, Ash, Miller, Sam, Murray, and more came to the house parties growing from about 15 of us to 45 in 2019. Richard Tulip played the last two, bringing Jill, and they were jumping.

    Then suddenly the neighbour moved on and we couldn't do them!

    It had got to a size where we couldn't do a bigger one (it was a typical 3 bed semi) So we paused for ages - I didn't want to go public but I wanted to keep them going - so we booked the Telegraph, made a new brand name (PROGRESS:ON) and about 180 came. We've since moved to the back room in Colonel Porters (Archie's Lab), and TheCut where we had Lexicon Avenue and Paul Thomas on.

    The parties have always stayed under 200 but it's started to grow legs and we've got Scott Bradford and Anthony Pappa events happening soon.


    I thought I'd put a message on here in case anyone wants to check in with friends they haven't seen in a long time as aside from the music it's been class to see people again who will come out because it's the daytime.

    Scott Bradford is on Sat 9th April @ Archie's Lab (FB event: )

    Anthony Pappa is Sat 21st May @ World Headquarters (FB Event: )

    Be class to see you guys if you can make it.

    The tickets are listed here:

    Attached Files:

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  3. Nass

    Nass sound. Staff

    Oct 10, 2002
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    Limassol, Cyprus / Newcastle UK
    I also interviewed Anthony Pappa and discussed his career as well as some brief bits about when he was last in the North East:

    Godscrasher likes this.

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