Harry Potter 2 review Simply don't waste your fucking time. Its basically the same as the first one but with a slightly different ending. There is not one single original idea in the film, there all stolen from better books/films. There's a bit from the hobbit bits from greek legends there its all just a big fucking rip off. Best just save your money and go see Lord of the Rings in a few weeks time. Marks out of 10? 0
Of course. The first one was great but this on was the biggest crock of shit i have seen in a good few years.
TBH m8 i thought the first one was piss poor. The 2nd one is much better but still aint very intresting viewing. IMO Lord of Rings knocks em outa the water
well dunc i still aint seen it and after reading this i dont think i will bother my brother went to see it and he sed it wasnt as good as the first one
ayeee, havnt seen any potter films, not interested at all! lord of the rings on the hand is amazin!! have me tickets already booked for that baby! the games good too but i dont wanna go to far in case i find out the endin to the second film... and im too lazy to read the books!