sorry.....!! sorry 4 posting this in here please dont no-one shout at me cos dont mean to pollute the bestest forum on the msg board but ack!!! wheres the main forum gone is it just my computer or has it disappered....??!! xxxxx presumably this is due to numerous amounts or argumetns n dodgy threads is it not...??!! xxx
has gone aye! i noticed, thought i was goin mad at 1st but then realised i couldnt be... already am!??!
aaahhh here ma post is!! makes more sense acutually to post it in here instead of the dj's n music forum like!!! so when i was babbling on bout the bestest forum in ma other post i meant that one not this one although this ones still good too!! nah fink its probs a good fing that the main forum has bin ridded of 4 a while ppl were taking the piss n things were gettin a bit out of hand in certain aspects of fings!! mebbes fings will be betta in the new year!! xxxx
is there not just as much random shit on the board now cos there is loads more people? back when it first started there was still random posts and folks still got pissed off bout me it just seems the same