Life after the main forum!! Can I just say I think the board just got 100 times better!!! At first i was a bit sceptical, but now it has sunk in, im all for it!! Things are alot more sensible, dare i say it profesional!!! Some may say boring, not a all, i think its more interesting! What does everyone else think?
i was thinkin of something along those lines People are findin out more about music and djs, i like it
thought it was gonna be shit but its okay actually tis certainly all very relavent n all the crap is gone i do miss the main forum quite a bit though....god u wounldnt think it was only a msg board wud ya the way sum of us carry on hehe!! tis kinda like sumone has died or sumfink, with us all mourning the loss of the main forum!! tis interesting to see who actually comes on the board now though afta the temporary abolishment of the main forum!! xxx
I did'nt like it at first but now i love no random shit, i find i get more work for uni done and get more out of the board.
sheesh, can never please ya can we You have got to admit, things are defo better this way and im glad people tend to agree!!!!
Tell you what ill rephrase the question!! What do the promise team think about the new style board? I think it was a good move, well done!!!
It definitly is better but today the randomness has started creeping back in. I just hope its an isolated incidenet and its not going to take over the board again. But i do agree that over all tis tres good.
I agree think its got much better for the now, but I'm not sure whether it will last - people will soon get tired of coming up with club ideas, saying how good the club is, etc. Theres only so many times someone can say how good promise is As ever I'm always the optamist
i feel a little lost actually! i keep flickin from one forum to the next!! we need somewhere to hang out!! lol! nah, seriously tho...there is less randomness and a lot more topical discussion goin on!