crazy yankee drug shit

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by SeniorChem Si, Dec 13, 2002.

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  1. SeniorChem Si

    SeniorChem Si Registered User

    Feb 14, 2002
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    Getting it on
    crazy yankee drug shit

    saw this on the sankeys msg board, tis well crazy shit....... I think it's real which is scary :eek:

    Prosecutor: Parents beware of teens with pacifiers

    By: Sue Kramer , Special Writer 10/31/2002

    TRENTON — "Aside from all the problems you might have if your daughter is raped or sexually assaulted in some ugly fashion, kill yourself if you ever let your kid go to a teen night at an adult club.
    "There is absolutely no reason on the face of the earth to have teen nights except to encourage kids to learn how to drink or put yourself in a situation where there's all kinds of dope — (they're like) open-air drug supermarkets."
    With these chilling words, Terrence P. Farley, first assistant Ocean County prosecutor and director of the Ocean County Narcotics Strike Force, addressed some local Municipal Alliance members at the 12th annual Governor's Alliance Summit Oct. 21.
    Mr. Farley, a well-known advocate for the prevention of substance abuse, gave the alliance members, which included Jason Fuhr of West Amwell and South Hunterdon Regional High School nurse Liz Hendricks, some critical information on a widely available and used club drug.
    "If you see your child over age 2 or anybody up to about age 35 with a pacifier around their neck, or on a bracelet or carrying it in some other conspicuous way, you can pretty much be assured that person is using *******," Mr. Farley said. "It's the No. 1 piece of paraphernalia in ******* use. The reason being that ******* causes tremendous contractions of the muscles, especially of the jaw. It causes grinding of the teeth and intense pain.
    He added, "So we see the kids carrying two things, pacifiers and/or blow pops, and they put them between their teeth to stop the grinding."
    ******* (MDMA) has been around four to five years in this country. It is a synthetic drug made from highly toxic chemicals. When ingested, it causes the brain to release large amounts of seretonin, the chemical that allows people to feel moods such as joy, love, sadness, etc. Following that release, the body stops the production of seretonin, causing major depressive states, which hit about three days after use.
    One of the latest studies, in fact, projects some grim figures. Done in England, it reports hundreds of thousands of teens worldwide "will have to live on Prozac, literally, for the rest of their lives because they would not be able to produce seretonin" without it, Mr. Farley said.
    When it first was introduced into this country, ******* was fairly easy to spot.
    "It always was in the size and shape of an aspirin or pill," he said. "They had some kind of design or logo on them and were in a couple of different colors. Today, we see every size, color, shape and design you could imagine."
    Just last year, ******* was confiscated in the form of green shamrocks in a club in Ocean County, "in advance, of course, of St. Patrick's Day," he said. "And the red hearts for Valentines Day and the Santa Clauses for Christmas."
    ******* also is manufactured to look like breath-freshening mints (and can be carried undetected in the tiny plastic breath mint containers), aspirin or vitamins. It can be found stamped with the Calvin Klein or any one of more than 400 other pirated logos, and it also can contain one or more additional illegal drugs.
    Mr. Farley said the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) estimates 2 million ******* ***** are smuggled into the United States every week. Of that amount, 750,000 ******* ***** are filtered into what is referred to as the New York-Jersey Shore corridor, the area from New York City to Cape May. This occurs, he emphasized, every week.
    With the prevalence of ******* and other club drugs such as the hallucinogenic, ketamine, an animal anesthetic also known as "K," "Special K," "Kit Kat" and ***, the most powerful hallucinogenic known, which is commonly referred to as "acid," one can only wonder what teens experience at a rave or teen club. Mr. Farley described the typical scenario.
    "Your son or daughter, 13 years old, goes to a rave," he said. "A rave is a party with techno music that might last six, eight, 10 hours, up to three days. Sometimes it's in a legitimate forum, in a nightclub, in a theater or sometimes in an abandoned factory or barn where there's 50 to 60,000 kids. I've seen them look like Woodstock."
    In all likelihood, he said, the first thing the teens will encounter will be people selling heavy vinyl balloons, like the ones that are sold in parking lots at rock concerts. The cost is about $5.
    "That's their first hit of the night," he said. "That's nitrous oxide, an anesthetic.
    "Now as you enter whatever this venue is, you're going to be literally accosted within seconds to minutes, to buy 'E,' *******, 'K,' ketamine, 'G' for ***; you name it. It's just rampant in the places where teen-agers will congregate.
    "The key to all this is techno music — 200 to 300 bass beats a minute just banging the brains out. The kids are so stoned they will get up against (super large speakers) and let it bang their head all night. They're called, 'speaker treatments.'"
    The girls will be scantily dressed, sometimes reminiscent of the hippie era of the '60s, he said. Teen boys, who usually arrive later in the evening, may be dressed only in baggy pants and shoes. The a reason for the dress, he said, is "because one immediate side effect of ******* is that it blows up your body temperature."
    The dress, though, is only one telltale sign. The other, he said, is they will be all be sweating profusely.
    ******* can raise the body's temperature as high as 110 to 111 degrees, something that isn't too unusual in ******* deaths. He recalled a case of an ******* overdose victim, the only case in history, where the victim's body temperature was still 108 degrees two hours after their death.
    "You're going to see bottled water all over the place," Mr. Farley continued.
    Water can run as high as $14 per bottle at major events.
    The first thing ******* does, he continued, is cause the user to vomit.
    "So the first thing you see on the floor is a lot of vomit," Mr. Farley said. Then you see a lot of water, between the drinking of the bottled water and the sweat, because the user's body temperature is rising to 105 degrees or higher. They boil their internal organs, that's what's happening. It's an incredible death for these kids."
    Along with the vomit and sweat, ******* use also causes incontinence so users urinate not only on themselves, but the floor. It also causes uncontrollable defecation.
    "They call that 'disco dumping,'" Mr. Farley said.
    To make matters worse, "Most of the clubs shut off the water in the bathrooms — in the toilets and in the sinks — so they'll have to buy water from them. The places are dirt holes to start with," he said. "Now we have the sensation that kids love with *******, the openness they feel. Kids feel, as shy as they are, that they can talk to anybody about anything."
    The feeling of openness and wanting to communicate is enhanced by the techno music and the glow sticks that are seen everywhere.
    "Something in the color of the glow sticks," he said, "makes the high higher. The other thing it does is that it gives them a change in their tactile sensation. It makes you want to be touched, and it makes you want to touch other people."
    ******* also enhances sex drive, but Mr. Farley points out, young men quickly find out that "the more they use it, you get a lot of drive and no ability to go anywhere. Consequently, we're now seeing a phenomenon where kids are buying thousands and thousands of Viagra tablets over the Internet and combining them with *******."
    According to Mr. Farley, ******* and Viagra, in combination with amyl nitrate, sprang up first in gay communities "and thousands of gays across the world died from it."
    The problem was so severe clubs in San Francisco used to post warning signs, cautioning people not to mix these three drugs.
    "Now young kids everywhere are mixing them," he said.
    The combination of the three causes blood pressure to suddenly drop to zero, causing instant death.
    "You hit the floor, and nobody can save you under those circumstances," he said.
    Ravers, at this stage of "partying," are now high on at least one drug and may have lost control of both their bladder and bowels. They are dancing on a floor that is smeared with water, vomit, urine, sweat and defecation, guzzling water and sweating profusely. Now, because of the effects of *******, they want to touch and be touched. And the boys have taken their "performance drugs."
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. SeniorChem Si

    SeniorChem Si Registered User

    Feb 14, 2002
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    Getting it on
    (had to split this cos its too long for 1 post)

    "Now you have all this stuff on the floor," Mr. Farley said, "and they call it 'cuddle puddles,' because now, I'm going to grab five or six friends, strangers, guys, girls, and we're going to sit down and make out in the cuddle puddles, or 'rave sludge' as it's called. These are just little, wonderful side effects."
    But the effects of the party drugs don't stop once the party is over, he said. They continue for days. After being at a Saturday night teen party or rave, getting high on *******, which is possibly combined with other drugs, and, at the very least, dancing all night, the user usually spends all day Sunday in bed.
    By Monday morning, a school day, the user is still "'cracked out,'" a term coined by crack users to describe the worst way you could possibly feel — "the worst feeling you could imagine, that's two days later," he said.
    He added, "And then the terrible depression starts in on Tuesday, and we call that 'Suicide Tuesday.'"
    The most chilling aspect of these drugs is the attitude of the users.
    "The kids who understand this, know it and expect it," Mr. Farley asserted. "They're not afraid of dying from it. Kids know that these party drugs are deadly enough that that they can kill them on any one occasion, and yet they'll go out to a club, go out to a rave, go out to a party, and they'll write on the palms of their hands — E, G, K — the street names of the drugs so that in case they're passed out or in need of medical attention, the doctors can just look at the palms of their hands to confirm what put them in that condition."
    He added, "When kids are willing to do that, you'd better get to them as early as possible because our kids have no fear, and they never have. If we don't start getting into the lower grades — fourth, fifth, sixth — we're just going to keep on losing generation after generation of Americans."
  4. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    wow - interesting read.

    sounds like uk scene 10 years ago.
  5. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    they've come along way in 30 leats they've stopped the canabis kills campeign :D

    Quite like the cuddle puddle bit much nicer sounding than crasher/promise/sundis gunk :D
  6. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    Iv never "Disco Dumped" in my pants either.

    Thought I did once tho....
  7. Nass

    Nass sound. Staff

    Oct 10, 2002
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    Limassol, Cyprus / Newcastle UK
    Let's just hope our parents don't read this :lol:
  8. Fitzy

    Fitzy Registered User

    Jun 20, 2002
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    ermmm... Long Story!!!!


  9. Ness

    Ness Registered User

    Feb 17, 2002
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    In the Forest
    :lol: that has to be one of the funniest things i have ever read!

    like u say joe, at least they've stopped with the cannabis propaganda!

    btw si, if it is true, remind me never to go clubbin in the states without an all over plastic suit!!!! and incontinence pads!!! lmao!!!:lol:
  10. helz

    helz Registered User

    Feb 20, 2002
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    wow thats explained and jules went to a club in sunny isles last night and we were wondering what those crazy kids were up to......and that was a salsa night lol :D
  11. loopyloosy

    loopyloosy Registered User

    Feb 19, 2002
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    location, location.
    thats some fuckin typical yankee bullshit! fuckin hell!
    but i do understand the whole gunk thing. lets just say i could grow potatoes in my nails after a good sesh.
  12. KingRich


    Oct 16, 2002
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    lol, (i couldn't help but chuckle)
  13. dj tino

    dj tino

    May 23, 2002
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    aye some strange read knockin about these days like! interestin though, killed a few minutes!
  14. Guest

    Gud read, but quite wrong all the same... ...

    American's - do they get anything right!?! ;)
  15. Glitter Angel

    Glitter Angel Registered User

    Feb 10, 2002
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    Pink Heaven

    its techno, im telling you, techno is evil ;)

    stereotypical american twats!
  16. El Maracca

    El Maracca Registered User

    Jan 25, 2002
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    thats why we love it so :evil: :evil:
  17. Brownie Boy

    Brownie Boy

    Mar 31, 2002
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    Outer Bongolia
    Disco dumping? Rave sludge? Cuddle puddles?

    Absolute genius.

    Is this a script from Brass Eye or something - sounds v. like Chris Morris to me.

  18. Guest

    there is some major exageration going on there,

    but ive never been to an american rave before!!!! it could be common in the southern states!!!! :love:

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