Guy Ornadel on NYE Was he as bad as they say? It looks like the Cheese loving Promise Hero nearly caused a riot at GC....
In a word - YES! Normally he's one of the most consistent DJs around but he totally lost it - I don't know whether it was cos he was a bit worse for wear at 4am on New Years Day His tune selection was dodgy to say the least - playing quite a lot of new tunes when it was a classics nite. There was no flow to his set,some of the mixing was bad but worst of all tunes consistently kept kicking off really quietly until he eventually realised and turned the volume back up. On top of that he was trying far too many tricks which didnt really work. I know it sounds like everyone is moaning a lot cos it was nye and he still did play some really good tunes (Binary Finary 1998) but he was playing the last set and you would have expected the roof to come off with all the old favourites but the nite just fizzled out with minimal reaction from the crowd. Still up until then it had been really good.
not an ornadel fan really....tries to play to many styles, and plays quite alot of cheese most of the time. every1 of the board loves him tho
I think if people from the board had been there expecting classic tunes and heard the set he played then it would have changed alot of opinions. Bond and Hardwick were amazing IMO and that made my night but Ornadel was awful. I was looking at the Crasher message board and thats what all the posts have been about. Its a shame because his bad set overshadowed Bond and Hardwicks few hours of real classic tunes.
You always get people moaning about DJs but the sheer volume of people on the crasher message board and even his own who are complaining shows that he really did lose it. I reckon this could seriously effect his career - he's due to play at crasher at the end of January - if he goes through with it,good luck to him,I reckon there'll be a lot of people there who aren't pleased to see him
Ornadel used to play quality progressive trance (CD1 of his slinky CD good example) now hes plays like Dave Pearce.
hes played like dave pearce for ages.....does my head in how every1 @ Promise want to have his babies.... he was good until i saw him summer 2000 @ Tangled in manchester....all the scallies music tastes must have rubbed off on him.
bond & hardwick had been amazin and even the inconsistant eddie had come up with the goods but pretty much everyone was wanderin round crasher when ornadel came on asking "wtf?!?!?!" his set consisted of tunes that, wernt from the wet and disco-tech era, but wernt even classics anyway...apart from the odd one like rank1-'such is life' and agnelli and nelson-'everyday' played some well dodgy'uns too such as joydontstop, do you see the light and fookin mansuns wide open space we left early cos pretty much couldnt take anymore of ornadels random set killing, what was probably the best crasher since the first red and black of boxin day from 2001.
he may of been totally shit but please don't take the piss out of wide open space please dave, i fooking love that tune.
cant belive he could have been as bad a peeps are sayin g whats going on with sir guy never know him to play a bad set ever!! and u would think of all djs he would have some excellent classics!!! really shocked at this one like!!!
wide open space is the worst tune i have ever heard!!!!!!!!! lol - sorry - now u know how a felt abput picotto
thing is, it wasnt like it was that bad of a set...he played a fair few corkin tunes and from what i can remember his mixin wasnt all over the shop! it was just it was disco-wet nite and he was playin tunes from last year! his whole set pretty much comprised of old-ish tunes but there was only agnelli and nelson- everyday which he played which was from the era of wet and disco-tech. if he'd played that set any other time i imagine it probably would have gone down well but instead he played it on a night when it clearly shouldnt have been played and cosa this he has made himself look thick as fuck! god help him on the 25th when he's due to play at crasher again. i can see a late cancellation due to a mystery illness or sumthing...
Everyones going on about he killed the atmosphere but I refuse to believe that it was worse then when Sander K and Timo Maas killed and I mean KILLED it two years ago!!!! If people wanted to fight Guy or whatever then they should have strung them two up by their bollocks from the rafters!!! Perhaps someone might have if everyone hadnt fell asleep from their shitey, boring as fuck prog sets
I remember his 1st promise set, he played a real dark percussive/tribal set, was outstanding. His mixing is always spot on, I am not the greatest of trance fans but I have always enjoyed watching Guy play.