Its on n off here...........not proper snow! The type where it snows for a bit...just looks like its gonna start layin on the floor...then it melts........grrrrrrrr i wanna build a snowman!!!! :evil:
would that also not vanish if the floor is wet? and also unless its got bits of coffee in it, it wont stick.. could make a square one out of cubes though?!
AAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH stupid me just realised im going straight from miami to a course in scotland and i didnt bring any winter much of a tit am i gonna look in scotland in shorts and t-shirts hahaha
we had about 10 mins of snow b4.... stopped now.. fekk... there better be sum in newcastle when im bk on sunday
ah fukk ya then! i dont need any of that geordie piss filled yellow stuff u call snow.. its going at it gud n' propper now!!
then we ve got London snow, its a bit warmer than your snow, and its wetter.... i think they call the stuff rain. I want more snow... ps dont eat snow if its yellow
my snows the bestttttt my snows the bestttt about 1 cm thick, but propa nice snow, and full ov little little doggies paw prints awwwwwwww tino i recon we shud go sleddin insted its freeeeeeeeeeeee
dont u mean 'golden' geordie snow? its stopped here again... feck. i wana take my sledge out and play!
go and find a big slimey hill! mite get a bit mingin, but will hav the same affect??? *no snow needed*