id like to say smartie, my head is telling me to say smartie......but my heart says damocles. he also wins resident cunt and resident twat award
Glitter Geordie do you even know what a ponce is? Its a pimp.... Now surely if your trying to insult me you can dig a little deeper than - I mean for fucks sake that was pathetic... No sign of humour, no sign of insult, sort it out kids. Try and keep up
Saying no1 has been nominated so far!!! Do u not want 2 b the resident ponce?I know u aint been 2 Promise yet but once you've been u'll wonder why u bother going 2 that club they call "Gatecrasher"
Thats me point if we nominate him now!! By the time he gets his "offical" status he will be a resi!! If he has any sense