deja-vous um, just surfin through the fifa web site earlyier, when i came across this it looks familiar but i can't think from where i have seen it before
there are lots of pics about with people with there hands in the air most clubs use that images/outline on there flyers now and again
Re: Re: deja-vous Never heard anything so childish since I left primary school!!! Good effort that man!
theres a whole post about this on the crasher board too, and as shaun said on there, that logo has no copyrights on it, so he is free to use it how he wants. why should it bother any1 so much that they have to make a new thread about it? just let him get on with it, im sure shaun knows what he is doing!!!!
was that aimed at me? i just think its stupid how its been getting brought up loads, shaun is obviously putting alot of time and effort into this site, and some people (not you lot imparticular) are just sitting around waiting for it to fail, picking faults with the tinyest little things. just leave him be!!
Nah, not at all! You could never take this topic seriously! Was a sarcastic one right from the start! Few picked up on it but a few didn't! Wasn't a dig at you personally, honestly.
i'm not avin a go at shaun or his site, i just thought it was funny how similar they looked thats all. in anycase, it could be seen that he has a contemporary asthetic style, that is in demand in todays world of multimedia graphics.
oh dearyy me, must try harder with a cherry on top JohnnyStar. I'm not going to re-itterate ALL of what's been said on the other board because it's quite blantently obvious you've seen a similar post on there and I've backed it up 110% and I'm happy with that. Deja-vous indeed! Right, The image we used which plain and simply was of a sillohette man, now how many sillohettes can you find on the internet, quite alot if you made the effort to look, and a large percentage of them have no problem in you re-creating and adding it into your own work which we are grateful for, it's a simple image but a powerful one, our choice, our site. There were sillohettes of people, dogs, cats even fucking dolphins in all kinds of situations! We came across this and thought yup, we like that, can we use it, yes, cool let's use it then, and so we did. It's just an outline of a man in that position, it's hardly rocket science, it's not a photo someone has taken which is owned by the photographer, it's just a sillohette. Noone has took a photo, it doesn't belong to anybody. Someone took the time to make it, we are grateful for them for making it free for use. We thought it suited the kind of message we were trying to get across very well. It's not a logo, it's merely an associated figure that gives a strong image to it. You will get similar images about, it's a silohette! There arent many laws on how you draw a sillohette in any given context, its an outline. End of discussion
lol,shaun chill my friend , i was only makin an observation. i just found it amusing to see that image on a fifa site thats all. oh and tbh, i don't go on the crasher board. must be just great minds:angel:
Shaun. I think the fact that this design is all over may prove that it is free to use & what a good logo you have chosen as it seems popular with large corporations