Cash Converters In Sunderland is possibly the best shop ever. I went in with my mates for a laugh over the weekend. It was like an Aladdins cave or bargains. They had some wicked CD's in. Bonzai meet the Gallery, Hernan Cattaneo - Funky Deep and Tribal, Picotto - Rush Hour. Only £2.49 each. Shame the ones i didnt already have were scratched to fuck. David Dickinson eat your heart out
Cash Convertors were blantently set up in newcastle for the charvs to make money on stolen goods. They ll nick a VCR, take it to Cash Convertors, who ll in return give them really shit money for it, knowing full well its been nicked. The charvs don’t care, cos they got it for nowt, and £10 for a VCR can buy them stacks of Elizabeth Duke jewellry. Its genious!
cash converters is full of smack rats selling nicked PS2's. they did, however, buy my MP3 player off me last i quite like them now.
hahaha!! dont spose u been readin the charva fing in the chron lately have u?? its, so funny
no, I ve not seen a chronicle for about 4 months, or heard the blokes shouting Neanderthal language for that time either
CCCCCCCChhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhronicaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll u seen, some of em got little 'stalls' now, they look like a public lavvy with a hole in the front :groovy:
£20 to u spud if u go for beers, mid afternoon, and then to go up to one, and piss in it, whilst keeping a straight face