dissertation 8000 bloody words!.. im doing a feckin design course ffs!!... anyways decided to do it on the history of drugs and club culture... so if anyone has any thoughts on how the two go hand in hand.. please share.
princess jane did her dissertation on club culture.... if you give her ££££££ she might help you! it was very good too! a good read!
dunce!!! but ur rite what has it got to do wif design....... unless its the design of the clubs & clothing worn by clubbers who r influenced by drugs!!! :chill:
thats a point...were doing design courses...u no, paint a bit, draw a bnit, fuck around on photoshop and flash a lot....where did it ever say nething about essays?
in a word.. nuttin. but we can do it on anything really.. its a pain in the ass gettin in the way of my digital tv project grrr!
Re: Harvard referencing... i have 2 do that for my history essays it's annoying having to put footnotes in etc.
ive just been in northumbria uni and ive never seen so many ponces in one place at the same time... they all need some fresh air and a tan.
oh of course the bloody left was funked as well.. 6 flights of stairs and my feet dont fit on them either... pah.