i don't know how people dare have the cheek to complain bout advisers & manage to get them upheld!!! the thick twats we call bt customers only listen to what they want to..............to those who don't work in telecommunications its called selective hearing!! i've just got off the fone to sum bloke......... i told him everything he needed to know!!! his first question was how much is it to install!!! (baring in mind i had just told him that this was free) his next question is how much is the equiment (i'd just told him that the euipment is £50!) to top it all off he then said to me so it'll b £25 s mth 4 the broadband service then...........i'd just fooking telt the stupid fucker the he wud pay an extra £28 per mth on his fone bill..... :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
yip, people seem to become total idiots the second they become a 'customer'.... in general, people are shit.
Be fair, the guy might of had Altziemers (sp) or been really Pissed or Wrecked. The glass isn't always half empty you know!
im not stalking u or anything like that, but i drove past ure work place today, on my way 2 st james park 2 pre-order the new strip 4 me and my little girl, u get to free newcastle bags, when u pre-order, so get ureself down *love is in the air* in the style of that bloke who sang love is in the air how rude of me 2 interupt ure post, sorry *wink wink*
he sounded alrite tho........he didn't pissed or out & also he sounded like the full shilling just more ignorant!!
Ah fuck him then, if only you could stick stuff down the mike on the phone so the went out his phone speaker. You could of stuck a cheese grater down really hard so he would have to go to hospital with a cheese grater hanging out of his ear to get it removed. Some one that ignorant wouldn't be able to drive (not bright enough) so all the kids would laugh and throw stones at him and he would probs get run over by a car trying to get away from them on the way to the hospital and die. Then we would all feel better and live in a slightly nicer world. It'd make me feel good about myself any way. DEATH BY A TELEGRATERING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i like that idea tom!! the other 1 is that they b4 the customers r put thru to us they have to do an intelligent test........if they fail.....that perosn & each member of the family is killed!!!
And sterilise every one who live in there street, that way if it is infectious the thick cunts wont be able to breed! :evil:
thought i'd keep this is the same thread as my other bt grumbles!!! i am in the process of being trained 4 bt midband!!! can i give u's lot sum advice..........don't even consider getting this service it's a fooking rip off & a pile of shite!!
Re: Re: thought i'd keep this is the same thread No coz its not out yet. We probably will get bonus for it though!! Its just shite though m8!!!
Re: Re: Re: thought i'd keep this is the same thread I was only joking, but thanks for clearing that up for me. I might have a demo off one of my mates, mates shortly. I will send you it ASAP ok mate.