Declaration Just been ordered by our lass to confess my undying love for her on here or she wont put out for a week. So here goes...... Alexa I love you.
Would you rather knocking boots? doing the hunka chunka? dancing the wild mambo? getting me nasties? a bit of hows your father? any way you put it if i didn't say it i wasn't going to get fucked for the next week.
Re: Declaration You have gone soft in the head Duncan, you need to climb out from under her thumb. Have A Word!!!!!!
Re: Re: Declaration duncans always been soft in the head.......its just now that u lot are coming round and realising it!!
Re: Re: Re: Declaration I realised that 11 years ago when he first came to my school. He wasn't to bad then, its kind of Sporadic.
there isnt nowt the matter with telling your girlfriend you love her i think its rather sad when guys go on all macho '' i'd never say that to a lass man only puff's say that shit to there lasse's'' (in my most put on pretend hard guy voice ever)