Underground Cahoot Well, we got no bother from the police, so i reckon our underground plan of actually PRETENDING to cancel the party went well. I still cant believe we got away with it....a coach load of 50 people from town to bedlington, into an already half full house, with loud pumpin tunes, and all without any bother from the neighbours or police. im sure they must think we are the bedlington mafia or summit!!! lol I just wanna say thanks to all that attended and made it a great night, especially for ness. also, for behaving yourselves and just enjoying the night. Not one thing went wrong, nothing was damaged, nothing stolen, no bad news or anything!! just a smooth awesome party and night! and also to Richard and Tony for playing for us....... so THANK YOU!!!!!
Was a wicked party! Thanks to fizz and all the cahoot crew (get down with ur bad selves ... hehe ). If the police really are redaing the board tho it probably isnt such a good idea to anncounce u were pretending and had a huge party anyway! Unless u were just tryin to deter randoms?
well, we were trying to deter randoms as well, but mostly the police...and im not ar$sed now cos its over and done with!! hehe *eg
KEEP IT UNDERGROUND !!! see- u should listen to me, my monkey knows best! Plus, I've had 4 yrs experience dealing with Bedlington Police - ha ha!
Yeah u were with Steve and that big fatty lad, he told me that he was Ness and Fizz' minder and I couldn't come in. Dick head. Me and Steve were on the decks for ages. He was over the moon when he saw that I had Drugface in my bag
not sure if u mean matty (wonder wot happened to him) or the other lad that was their but cant remember his name:S lmao i had my 1st mix aswell hahaha, i was sooo fooked too!
i'd was really pissed, i'd had bout 3 quarters of a bottle of vodka and u were just giving me bucket after bucket after bucket then a joint! and i just sat on the floor unable to speak or move!! i was fine when everyone turned up tho!
I used to get people wrecked all of the time. Don't do it now. Mik does it to me every time we go to Promise though!!!