read about this moment of stupidity! no not mine - theres too many to mention!!! whislt on our break we were watching t.v. at work!! the worlds strongest man thing was on & i said i know sum1 who went in 4 that! i got a reply from a lad in my team ' the lad big then?' my reply 'what do u reckon?'
i was watching Hollyoaks last week and i said to steve that Toby was the killer and he said did he kill someone!
Was at a house party with a load of mates over a year ago, someone accidentally smashes a glass. My blonde friend goes out and gets the Jiff, or some carpet cleaner, and starts spraying the glass and getting it up with a cloth before realising you don't need carpet cleaner to pick up glass :spangled:
Just something to add to this- On a thursday were i work we have a quiz night, the game basically works were by your asked to name the top 5 answers of a question ( like family fortunes ) anycase the question was ' what kind of transport will here coming 1st' Blonde lass i work with reply was, "Fog horn" :spangled: that is the truth and she was being serious.
One of my m8s was taking picking his girlfriend up from the farm where she goes horseriding in his car. It was a wide dusty country road and my m8 was driving fast down it. He put his hand on the handbrake and his lass turned round to him and said ''Neil, get your hand off the handbrake, I know your gonna pull a wheelie'' And yes she is blonde
i was talking to a mate of mine who lives in london, and we were talking about footy, when i asked him what team he supported he replied "chealsea" to which i replied: "why do you support dont even live in manchester!!"
i forgot u could buy second hand cars... me n a mate were talkin after :chill: about what would happen if my car got nicked (a cavelier f reg) and i was like but would the insurance give u the money to buy a new one (me thinkin brand new so around £12k) or the value of which your cars worth now (about £300) cos £300 would only get u the shittest of cars... I had forgotten that obviously there would be other second hand caveliers of similar age and condition to mine
MONGO!! After this friday at promise me and my mates ended up at a student house in a mess!! one of my mates mam rang him at about 9 on sat morning and he didnt want to hang up but didnt wanna talk to her with a mashed brain!! i had the great idea of him telling her that he was just starting a lecture and wud ring her later, so he did!! took us both bout 5 mins after to realise that it was saturday!!!! dont think his mam even realised tho?!? wunder if she was mashed aswel??