masters at work went to this on sunday, had a good night but thought it wouldve been a lot better for starters, it was far too busy, could hardly move in there, and the temperature was stupidly hot. MAW were good, though they only seemed to pick up in the last hour, dropping 'work', jds-plastic dreams, 'back in the day' overall was a good night, though there were far far too many people there to make it a great night
well, we were walking out at 130am, 30 mins after it was due to end, and they were playing jds-plastic dreams. think that was the last track, though to be in love couldve been played afterwards!
Re: masters at work This is why I stopped going there......... too packed and too hot. You cant dance. Even with the new room its still far far too hot.
Re: Re: masters at work well, the ballroom was shut cos of a wedding, therefore they were in the noraml room, it took the piss just how rammed and hot it was, it cant have been very safe
I heard they jus played all their own, old records. Whereas Elliot Eastwick played some fantastic old & new stuff (plenty trainspotting was had by all)