Hair colours and Jobs im gonna try and get a job this week, but next wednesday, i was supposed to be getting a £40 3 month pink and blue we think this is a bad idea? will most places insist on a normal hair colour? havent had a job since i cut my hair. If it may lower my chances of employment, i may just dye it red and use colour gels to colour my spikes.
altho ur hair looks cool - am not sure its what potential employers wud like.... they are mostly boring and stuck in the past - best go with a normal colour/cut when off for interviews etc..
tbh it depends on where u try to get a job.......(i.e.) house of fraser is much less likely to employ a blue & pink haired lass than hmv!!
As Ruth said, depends on the employer but, in general, bad idea to have anything out of the "ordinary" for work.
im sposed to dress business like but i have pink spikey hair there aint a lot ppl can do about it legally....but they can be awkward
There is. It's usually worded into your employment contract somewhere. If you deviate from terms you agreed to by signing the contract, they can discipline you. Unfortunately...
poop. erm...mite dye it ginger least while im trying to get hired...will save me £50 nehow...