Finding out how you might die - Genes! I watched the Trevor McDonals program last night and I personally would like to find out what my genes say about my health and what I will most likely die. Through finding out it may be the motivation that wills you on to be healthier. Perhaps not though and it's a real conroversial one. What's peoples opinions? Would you like to find out given the choice?
I dont think I would like to know. We all have to go sometime and I'd rather not know what was gonna be responsible for killing me cos if it turned out to be something nasty I'd be well scared of it happening. This way, I know Im gonna die one day but dont have any idea what will kill me, so I'm not worried.
But you may be able to live longer for example if it was your heart by changing your life style. I know what your saying it would be horrible to be told your going to have cancer when your 50. It's a tricky one but the fact remains that this kind of breakthrough in medicine is here - it's a reality. They were also saying that in the future parents of new born babies will be able to know how long there kids will live for the day they are born. I'm not to sure about that at all.
I would rather go thorugh life, take things as they come, and try to believe that MY life, MY fate, is what I make of it. It may not be the case. i may be destined to die of an uncurable disease in 40 years - but the fact remains... until that day i want to believe that I CHOOSE how my life goes... knowing how and when you are going to die takes that away from you.
I believe that when your time has come your time has come. My famliy has a history of heart related ilness so I know when I get a bit older to take a bit more care of myself. I dont think its right that parents will be able to find out how long kids will live for. I dont agree for the same reason as knowing what I might die of. I'd rather be taken by surprise like most people are instead of living my life knowing that me or my kids were gonna be dying of whatever. I just dont think its right.
I'd rather have cheaper Insurance. If Insurance firms knew what you were likely to die of and when, you wouldn't have a hope in hell of getting any sometimes.
yea, the males in my family have a history of dying young - my oldest living male ancestor on my dad's side is 62, and that was my grandad - so there's a fair bet me having the same gene's i'll die young too... but i certainly wouldnt want to know when im going to die. i live and hope that i may break the trend. if not, tough shit, but i dont want to know before my time.
yeah think id like to know we did a peice on dead peoples palms and finger prints once and their relation to how the person died.. Sunderland academic David Blackwell believes the lines of the hand could be used in the future for making much more serious predictions. By reading the lines, loops and ridges of the fingerprints, scientists are finding they can identify children prone to low intelligence and behavioural problems as well as pinpointing diseases. And a new study has even suggested that the traditional palmists’ predictions of longevity based on the lifeline might not always be mumbo jumbo. “Obviously all this research has to be viewed with caution, but what it is saying is that there is a statistical link with information taken from your hands,” said Dr Blackwell, a principal lecturer in human sciences at the University of Sunderland. He took up his studies into dermatoglyphics (the study of arches and loops on fingertips) 10 years ago as part of his PhD looking into signs of certain skin diseases. The study, in partnership with Durham University, examined more than 3,500 patients at Newcastle’s Royal Victoria Infirmary and won wide acclaim as it revealed many skin diseases could be predicted in the palms. Dr Blackwell said: “There has been some research done in Barcelona looking at a group of children which showed you can predict low IQ. “Usually you have two lines running across your hand, but just one line running right across the breadth of the hand, known as the Simian line, was found to be much more common amongst people with low IQ. The fingerprints, which are made up of three patterns – arches, loops and whorls – can also be used. People in the low IQ group are more likely to have arches, higher IQs have more complex patterns. “Research by the University of Manchester has shown that looking at the crossing of the lifeline at a certain point can sometimes suggest diabetes in later life, and a team of scientists in Australia have come up with the Sydney line on the palm, which it is claimed can successfully diagnose childhood leukaemia in 95pc of patients.” But the study which has created the biggest stir is evidence suggesting that the lifeline does predict lifespan. “The study in Leeds looked at the palms of dead people and measured their lifeline then compared this to their age. “This study wasn’t just done on people who had died of natural causes and it did reveal there was a correlation between when people died and the length of their lifeline,” he said.
It will all come down to choice though. I also think that something like this will be useful in the future when they have more cures for illnesses and diseases. They may be able to stop things happening before it actually does. Till that time perhaps they should wait.
They always say that they can tell when you're going to die e.t.c. My dad was given 6 years to live 15 years ago. Still going strong
nah there really is scientific evidence to back some of it up.... certain lines do mean certain fings tho i still fink gypsie rosey lee off the bigg market wouldnt be able to predict when u die
Death is there for a reason. If cures for diseases prolong everyones life, think of how the world will become. More babies will be born then people dying. Dont take rocket science to figure out what problems will occur. Personally, I'd rather die sooner than later. People may think Im being narrow minded saying this but Id rather not get so old that I cant do anything for myself anymore. If people are able to live longer, they'll end up with a lesser quality of life and be stuck in homes for even longer. Im not looking forward to the time when Im like that and I wouldnt want to prolong the experience
*sings* '................its the cicle of life' u is defo rite......but i dont wanna die.....i am actually quite scared of it... i feel another post coming on.....
Its not a guarantee that they actually map out yr life. I saw it on this morning. The bloke on it who was told his chances of getting diabetes were twice as high as the next wasn't bothered because it still didn't mean he was defo going to get it, it just doubled his chances. He also mentioned that if he does try to start treating it now, it may kick start other problems which the mapping didn't pick up on. It is also possible that the test was completely wrong and he will always be fine. Its a very strange subject.