my work has gone from bad to worse..... what a bunch of dicks i work for........i knew this already but their cocks have grown to a massive size..... not only r we banned form using the, reading books, magazines, newspapers etc........we're now not allowed to stand up... ......... to top this all off my manager has been put on an action plan & part of this includes him having to draw up a seating plan & he has to tell us where we sit..... this is a fucking piss take on basic human rights.....i'm tempted to go to the papers with this 1.....whilst looking for another job! what do u's reckon?
i'm so tempted but the person i will have to make the complaint to is who i want to complain about.....
thats not a problem at all, they have to take it seriosuly, if you dont get a suitable result, u tell them that u fail to agree and that you would like to take the greiveance procedure to the next stage. they cant do anything to you for doing it and if they start to treet you differently you can raise another greivance if it carries on u can leave and take them to tribunal for constructive dismissal, it wony go that far tho because companies like to nip this type of thing in the bud asap. if ppl dont stand up for themselves at work bosses will walk over them and things will never get better, the knock-on effect is that you wont be happy at work. on the other hand bosses do, do things like this beacuse they have lost touch with what it is like to be a normal worker and so need to be kept in touch.
Re: my work has gone from bad to worse..... Not allowed to stand up? Start a sitting down mexican wave. Should piss the managment off suitably.
nah im not ive just learnt how it goes after a few run in's with bosses myself, it helps if you know where u stand, what you can and cant do.
b4 any of u's wake up enuff to realise i'm at work & on line the only reason i am is cos my manager is risking his job so we don't die of boredem!
we poss have sum good news....we may b getting the net back but whether i can come on here is gonig to b another thing!!! i am however currently speaking to a complete thick tosser!!!
nah seriously Ruth though get everyone to sign (fuck wots it called again) a protest sheet thing and put a complaint in