coming sunday... i got him a thai cookbook because he likes thai food: thai street food - the stuff they cook in the little stalls in the streets
my dad thinks its jst a way to get money out of people, and therefore i dont hav to buy him anything! ....well im not complaining!
mine too, which is cool though I'll still get him summik. I don't think this though, so my kids have to get me stuff
ill get jake a figurine or a picture of summthing like that. ill spend a penny on dad for each day hes proven he still loves me since the divorce.
a card and four cans of john smiths. I havnt got a cloo what iam getting, just hope they havnt forgot!
!! Cheers for reminding me people !!! i almost forgot to send the card ! my dads a broad at the moment !!! so i must send it tomorrow !!!