
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by x Rachey x, Jun 16, 2003.

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  1. TryHard*tidyShaun

    TryHard*tidyShaun Registered User

    Dec 24, 2002
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    Youre really shit at being nasty

    It dont suit you Rache
  2. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    lol how much fun is this.

    Although I don't understand what excuse you can possibly have... if ur lent money you pay it back :D
  3. TryHard*tidyShaun

    TryHard*tidyShaun Registered User

    Dec 24, 2002
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    Ooh and I forgot I need the address too, if you can get that as well

  4. TryHard*tidyShaun

    TryHard*tidyShaun Registered User

    Dec 24, 2002
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    I didnt 'lend' any money

    I never used or had any money that belonged to anybody else, would you call that lending?
  5. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    I'll stay out of it I know fuck all about whats happened... it was my understanding u'd agreed to go on a holiday then backed out after the deposit was paid.
  6. TheSpence

    TheSpence Registered User

    Oct 16, 2002
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    It would of helped everyone if you had of posted a copy of THAT mail on here
  7. TheSpence

    TheSpence Registered User

    Oct 16, 2002
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    Thats how it was!! If this yorkshire lot are not keeping us posted with updates its not out fault.
  8. x Rachey x

    x Rachey x Registered User

    Jan 7, 2003
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    Why on earth do you want Laura's address?

    And you do owe Laura the money as she lent you it when we booked the holiday. The fact you pulled out and left her with your debt to pay was your fault. For fucks sake Shaun, can't you see it?

    And Laura showed me the email you sent her, after I read that I was shaking and felt sick. Whatever I felt for you once is nothing now, you are the lowest piece of shit I know and I would happily like to see you die, slowly. :)
  9. x Rachey x

    x Rachey x Registered User

    Jan 7, 2003
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    (by the way, I'm sorry to everyone else how the thread has panned out, it was not my intention at all!)
  10. TheSpence

    TheSpence Registered User

    Oct 16, 2002
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    Any chance you can give us a brief outline of this sickening mail?
  11. TryHard*tidyShaun

    TryHard*tidyShaun Registered User

    Dec 24, 2002
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    Actually forget it, I dont want the address, telephone number nor anything else, why should I time and time again put the effort in when all I get back is abuse, even when I try to make things right and believe me I wanted to and have done for a long time because I dont like to leave things like this, but I guess I hav e no option but to do that. Why do you bother Shaun? I ask myself the very same question. I find it really hard to ignore this kind of thing because you're making me out to be something im not and funnily enough I will protest my innocence, thats what the innocent do. I havent hid under a rock, I know the facts and I know Im not whatever you want to call me this week. Im too civil for my own fucking good sometimes, could the same thing be said about you?

    I think this is my problem you know, I have to learn to ignore it in future, yes I do. Why should I rise to it, thats all it is with you. Well isnt it? You're loving it.

    I'm only making myself worse by thinking of how to put it right,
    end of the day, if you had wanted to do that, you've had done it in the right way, all youve done is drag it out, making it worse, you sure as hell havent made it any better.

    But you know what they say you should be really suspicious because Its really hard to believe that anyone can be that nice all the time, too true. I've learnt that much.

    Slag me off from the roof tops as much as you want if it makes you feel good? It sounds like youre getting carried away with yourself and loving it, youre not helping Laura, youre not even helping the situation, you're getting as much pleasure out of it as you can and you love it, least it comes across that way and Rache, its so not you.

    At the end of the day, we've had this out in private, leaving people behind aint good, do you think me and Claire wanted the way things have turned out to have turned out the way they did? well do you? ofcourse not. but sometimes it does make you realise just who is there and who is not, it's not all bad then. We've tried tried and tried again, gave up a long time ago.

    Some things cant get sorted, if you cant be civil then fuck it.

    once bitten twice shy, three times are you fuckin stupid

    It makes me so mad other people have got involved in this and on purpose, and if you take 1 step back from all this Rache and look at it from an outsiders point of view, which you should have been from the start, what's gone on here is well out of order, im not going to cry vicitim tho, why should I. Would you honestly blame me and Claire not to want to have anything to do with you, after whats gone on, you just make a bad situation worse, what does that make you then, ooh thats it a trouble maker. Nothing ever gets sorted that way. Learn.

    Friends are friends, come and go..those that stay faithful no matter what are REAL mates, the rest just aquaintences,
    and the person that started the whole thing, is the one that should be shut out and anyone else that has also had a go over something they know fuck all about should also be held at a distance or fucked off too, way it has to be.

    end of day...try again..three strikes..once ok so mistake, twice ok so now your pushing your luck..three times, na your taking the piss and its not on.

    Me, Claire and Nic didnt lend any money, Ive already expressed my point of view in that email I sent Laura very strongly about this. You felt sick reading it? Weve felt sick reading some of the crap thats come out of your mouths for the past couple of months, Weve had a gut full with you lot and for a change I giving something back.

    Honestly....if you were in her shoes...before booking an holiday for anyone, you make sure that those people have the finances to be able to pay you back, you dont just presume and you certainly just dont go off and book it committing you to something you know fuck all about without going over it with you first. Its easy for you to slate me on this Rache but it's not you this is about, take the hint! We didnt knowingly commit ourselves to anything, Laura jumped in head first, just what was the rush, its a holiday for all of us, not just her.

    You lot then fell out with us, for 1 reason or another didnt you which we felt very hurt over, it was you lot and me and Claire, that's how it was and we were supose to have ruined the holiday?????? We didnt then speak for a month, in which time we were already getting hassle. We were suppose to have conviently forgot about the deposit? Rache, sorry to break it to you but we didnt, we had other things going on, its called a life and it doesnt evolve around just you or Laura. THEN Laura couldnt go anyway because of resits. Shows how organised things were to begin with!

    Since then, we've had a gut full, been o so civil about this and it gets us where, fuck all basically, you cant win. And I thought threats where totally below the belt, even you should see that! Wont have it. When people are nasty in the way people have been, you find it really hard to be as civil as we have been. Bang out of order. After all thats happened, most people would have fucked you off a long time ago and walked.

    You know when people put up threads about you that they've not got anything else better to do, youre just doing it for yourself. I feel almost honoured, wait a minute................naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! You're wasting my bandwidth and hurting my fucking eyes. You go on and on and on, oh my god! shut the fuck up.

    You are so fucking annoying sometimes, nasty isnt you rache, give it up. I come on here, and I cant believe people like you jump through fucking hoops for some people and actually think youre whiter than white, youre not. You paint a bad picture for YOURSELF, never mind saying others are bad.

    Open your fucking eyes girl

    After all thats happened and alot has happened, more than most people know about, whats the fucking point, If you wanna be a twat, be a twat but youre now on ignore.

    It was a long reply, and my last.
  12. TryHard*tidyShaun

    TryHard*tidyShaun Registered User

    Dec 24, 2002
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    Ok second to last reply.

    Ive found out from Claire that Kerry said you lot had lined up people to go in our place, danni for example? and this was even before any of this shit kicked off and we were still coming on the holiday! Talk about being pushed out! Whats that all about, infact I dont want to know and youre on ignore anyway.

    At that point nothing had even been said about any of us not going, so why line other people up!

    You've tried to push us out, then when it's gone tits up, you want us to pay, even after all thats gone off!

    yes you know what im gunna say and I'll say it

    big fat fucking no score.

    just wanted to add this bit in as I didnt know about it before
  13. Chris 00 'Ave It

    Chris 00 'Ave It

    Jan 23, 2003
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    Sunny Scunthorpe
    I too have been civil, but I now feel it's time for me to add my two penneth. I won't draw out a long reply, looking for sympathy, I'll simply state the facts...

    Laura isn't stupid. She would not just sign for a holiday without checking people could go on the dates etc with booking time off. She checked with all parties they could go on the date and that the deal sounded okay to them.

    You were chuffed at the time, all for it, hence posts on various boards saying you were going to Ibiza.

    No-one fell out with anyone until, after months, you had still not paid back the deposit. When Laura asked for the money, you said you had more important worries, turned on the uni sob story and Claire and Nic sent her a cheque that bounced - that's why we fell out! It makes me laugh how you both think it has something to do with not going to Gatecrasher any more, open your eyes! :lol:

    People were only lined up to take your place because when no money was forthcoming, they obviously wanted to try and salvage the trip. Yes Laura may have exam resits, she may still be going to Ibiza during that time - don't talk about what you don't know!

    That's the truth, with none of the bullshit, stringing it out!
  14. TryHard*tidyNonce


    Jan 13, 2003
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    Sounds like Shaun is a real fool. A slimy, thieving fool.
  15. Nass

    Nass sound. Staff

    Oct 10, 2002
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    Limassol, Cyprus / Newcastle UK
    Not that this is any of my business, but if you actually read that quote i'd say he has a brain.
  16. Guest

    Dont get involved nass!! :king:
  17. TryHard*tidyNonce


    Jan 13, 2003
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    Because he's screwed someone out of money the lent him for a holiday.

    Yeah, real clever lad.
  18. Nass

    Nass sound. Staff

    Oct 10, 2002
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    Limassol, Cyprus / Newcastle UK
    /me sits back down

    So jambon you 2 nonces playing tomorrow? I've decided to take the lock off my cock and come out, just to vuzz.

    No really the locks staying on my cock but i'll be there anyway :p
  19. x Rachey x

    x Rachey x Registered User

    Jan 7, 2003
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    yeah, he nearly fucked up his final year at university because of too much ket and was forced to tell his tutor he was an addict :lol:

    He's a proper Einstein is our Shaun
  20. Guest

    Does that work??? ive an exam i wont pass 2morrow????? could i blame my failiure on Ket?? :confused: :confused: :confused:

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