New York My aunty in new york wants to buy me a present from new york...but i cant think of anythin that i want, anyone got any ideas wat i should ask for? I was thinkin a basketball shirt wud be cool, then i thought...not my style really!
yeah get some abercrombie and finch (SP) cos its loads cheaper over there... oonly if you trust her taste tho!
aah, i'll av a look into that, she sed she'd send me a pic over the internet first! i hav no idea wat her taste is like! hehe
DON'T abercombie mings hard! As a genral rule avoid most american clothes they make them 9 sizes to big. Or if they do happen to be the right size - they look like the rejects from a GAP advert. You could always get some cough medacine make dmt and sell it on over here at extortionate rates
I didn't fucking mean it in that way, more of a sort of historic piece of history, i.e. piece of the Berlin wall, etc. I'm not that sort of sarcastic person and don't find things like that funny myself OK!