Re: Re: Errrrrrrmmm...... I would agree as well but this isn't no sneaky round the back place. This is in 1 of San Ans busiest bars in front of the bar staff & they have lads walking around the bar pointing at the place and saying if you need stuff across there, they also have people outside asking if you need stuff come on in. IT IS HARDLY TOP SECRET! I AM FOOKING HELPING THEM! IN FACT I WILL PRINT THIS OUT & DEMAND DISCOUNT!
Drugs are hardlys hard to get in Ibiza - its a fact and people know it - try having people waking ya up every day for pills / coke / dope / whatever !!! I hardlys think some Manuel is going to look and go and arrest some poor little English Kid ! The ammount of "Community helpers" over there is unreal
SHUT UP MILLER! YOU HAVE SAID TO MUCH INTERPOL ARE ON THERE WAY... I have herd on the grapvine,that those nice men that are legally in Ibiza from Senegal, that sell the cheap Rolex watches may sell a few 'uppers' as a sideline to there jewellery business!
I think I may be in danger now over here. I have got a boat ready to whisk me away at midnight. wish me luck everyone!
Well you have mentioned: dealers, numerous, drugs, corrupt police & the Mafia! Your in it upto your neck
lol, were stayin in the fiesta appartments but ill be at mambo for most of the night nearly every night for the sunset! look on the pics ull probs have seen mine and chrises ugly mugs before! miller if u read this, r u goin out 2moro night? if so where u headed? i really need some so could u sort something out please and i mean quite biggish and wel go somewhere and get trashed! and hows the absenthe? see you in 48 hours or less matey!
we're in aparthotel rosamar in san an bay, i have no idea where fiesta apps is coz iv never been. hmmmmm. yes iv seen ya pic and im sure uv seen mine.
Should be back out around Wednesday. She'll be playing Garlands. She'll be playing the first couple hours on the terrace. Get there early, she'll be the fantastically good-looking one with no shoes on (Don't ask!) Hopefully catch up with you out there bud
When I flew out I got my flight with Britannia Direct through for £78 (all taxes included), my mam rang Newcastle Airport for my flight back and that cost £80. Think I'm doing a cheap 14-night package holiday when I go back out, then just not taking the flight home.
Just having a quiet one tonight. I am still fucked off last night, didn´t get to bed till about 10.30 today. What time are you going to arrive? I will meet you at the fountains at the front in San An at 6 on Saturday night OK mate. We will sort everything out then OK.
Cream was awesome, the most amazing club every. The ice machine nearly knocks you over when you are directly underneath it. I give some poppers to a South American couple and they bought me vodka and tonic all night, must of been about 10 pounds a shot in there, it was roughly 6 pòunds for a bottle of water Tiesto was amazing, surprisingly hard, even played one of the tunes that Eddie played in his Ess Mix, couldn´t believe it. PVD was brilliant as well, played loads of mad tunes at the end, can´t remember them at the minute though. Had to miss about half of his set in the middle though, because it was just too hot.
meet u there then matey!!!! u better remember! if i forget come to cafe mambo on the night! i shud be arriving at bout 1 30ish, shud be in san an for around 3 i rekon! see u soon! give me a ring 2moro!