Pub lunch in the sun Just back from the shiremoor boozer and had a steak stottie and cool Fosters in the sun... Can't be arsed working in this heat
Thai Chilli Chicken Bagette with Chips at Knitsley Mill with a Pint of Northumbrian Smooth to wash it down. Youve just gave me an idea for my tea!
Nothing better, only could have sat there all day getting minging. All the burds in summer outfits is a bonus too.
pub lunches in the sun are the bestest fings eva, sat outside in the beergarden of whateva pub with a pint of fosters in the luvli sunshine ya just cant beat it!! except for the fact that u have to drink ur pint within about 5 minutes otherwise it gets warm and flys mite land in it, but it still beats sitting inside in the wintertime!! xxxx
no, no, no!! fosters or carling are a must, stella is lethal when ur out drinking all day, especially in the sun it knocks me rite out!! lol!! xxx
Been getting used to this recently... grabbing a Bolognase Pizza for lunch and eating it outside in the sunshine, not bad a £3.75