Has some1 been smokinng the wacky backy? Am I going crazy, Amyblah ahve you been taking confidence tablets? wtf is going on. Since when did u crown yourself queen of the messageboard and chief trend setter. Your worse than your brother! GET OVER YOURSELF The couple of people who attempted to harsh me were people who'd been the butt of my jokes for months..> GET A CLUE YOU PRETENTIOUS HICK!
WHAT HAVE I TWISTED I POSTED A PM YOU SENT ME!!!! I changed nothing, we weren't talking previously... WHAT DID I TWIST! If your going to be arrogant at leats have the balls to be arrogant in public... snidey cow.
Omg? omg? please I think it might b my eyesight...Run that by me one more time? Whats that meant 2 mean like? That every1 licks ur arse? Dont think so like pet
Thats the only thing I got from it, I've read it about 20 times and I still don't believe what I'm reading