Couldn't agree more. 'Real music' - oh dear oh dear. There's so many misguided people on this board. OCS are not real music. And, shock horror, neither are the Stereophonics.
jesus christ don't be so fucking anal! Of course its real music, so is hard house techno, hip hop, garage, insert genre here.... Ruth wasn't implying that OCS are "real" and other bands are fake. Bo th are mediocre pop bands... not great muscians, not inivative musicians, not anything to write home about. This is what Cheekymonkey was implying - as for gimp he's one of the few people on this site who knows what he's talking about when it comes to music - i suggest you take notes
OK, so it is 'real' music in the sense that they play 'real' instruments, but it's bland music for the masses, force fed by the media and people can't be bothered to dig deeper for the more interesting stuff. Go and find the good stuff, you'll soon realise that OCS are along way from 'real music'.
erm so a choir singing isn't music? Music doesn't have to produced on a musical intrument, it can also be sung and made out of reproductions of sounds... I think some people need to learn what words mean before educating people
stop splitting hairs Joe. Rufus meant real music as in produced by musical instruments, or by singing would count, as opposed to electronic music produced digitally
Joe is a master at putting words in your mouth Marty, haven't you noticed?? You said Hard House, he thought you meant choir singing :spangled: I know what you meant mate
OF course digital - basically if you can structure a sound your making music - I was replying to: Your implying digitally made music isn't music. p.s. Metal can reach gabba speeds. Si, maybe me and cheeky have misunderstood ruth as we interpeted the same way you'd interpret "this is real football" when watching 2 great teams play... I really doubt she meant that ocs are real music as its a pretty obvious statement
WHAT?!!??!?!?!?!?!? Si your master of stupidity! I suggest you read every post 3 times, leaving a 30 minute thinking gap between each read.... then and only then should you respond - hopefully you'll of grasped the gist of the post by then
I took "real" to mean simply not eloctronic, which is what normally gets discussed on here. have to ask her tomorrow to find out I guess
But electronbic is real music? suppose ruth was never the brightest of criters, maybe your right maybe she did mean that
but if music is an audio thing, how does the visuals effect it? If u couldn't see the artists perform live (say a big black curtain hides them), then they are both just as credible... A live performance is much more than music
But your missing the whole point, a live gig is more than music, its an experience, its an amalgamation of sounds and visuals... If I were to block the band off from the crowd with a black curtain you could play a pre-recorded set or the band could play live and you wouldn't be able to tell... Your defenition of music "seeing it created live on musical instruments or choirs siging" is wrong... As music isn't a visual thing it doesn't matter whether you can or can't see it I've been to loads of gigs and I love them (and I'm not talking about the phoneosterics (britains hardest rocking phonics tribute band) @ blyth work mens club)... But a live perfomance has fuck all to do with anything
marty this has never been a debate about what makes a good life perfmonance! This has turned into a debate about music and peoples definitions... yours was wrong I was simply showing u how u were wrong
I think the general gist (sp) of this thread and the real point though, is that OCS are crap. I think Cheekymonkey said bland music for the masses.
as far as live bands go ocs r amazing....coming from someone who likes the latex clad bandwgon that is the darkness you have no room to fact you have no room to speak on most things yet you insist on spouting shit anyway!!
Be quiet you hairy excuse for a man. I was listening to the darkness before most had heard of them and because they grew in popularity I should dislike them? Rufus your a hairy clown...The Darkness have ressurected glam rock and they are a very talented band... I don't get your point? Are you suggesting the darkness are run of the mill? Go shave your scrotum u hairy fuck.
yeah the darkness are run of the mill & not that talented joe.... we'll wait & c tho to c if they're still around in 11 years guess is no they won't where as ocs have been around for the past 11 years & i c them being around for a few more years yet!!! now go straighten your hair you miserable excuse for a boy!!!