U FCUKING TOOL ! you could have at least warned us abuot the music that blasted out and gave me manager the shock of her life and also me a bollocking. not that bothered anyway....shes sexy when shes angry, Ive told her this before and she knew what I was thinking har har.
it doesn't surprise me one bit how disturbing some of the crap on the net is - this is one of the most wierd shockwave cartoons I've seen in a while! now try turning it off - you can still hear it in your head! aRGH!!!!
oh my god lololololol thats mint! i just got that link a couple of days ago n ive been sending it 2 every1 :>
oh, and if you should like to credit the person who made this go here : http://www.weebls-stuff.com/toons/21/ he has lots of good stuff