Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sept 11th point taken, although they i would imagine that a large proportion of the people who died were striving towards/living the american dream, and would no doubt be prepared to exploit others for their own good, if it meant a bottom line increase. the attack wasnt aimed at the people in the towers, it was aimed at america as a country, that's why i said they (as a nation) brought it on themselves.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sept 11th I think you will find it was TheSpence, not theblindman. Are you blind?
im sorry like but some of u lot are absolutley shocking you reeli are. no way, i just reeli cant believe some of ur attitudes, fair enough yeah people do die every day which granted is a terrible terrible thing but that doesnt excuse the fact that ya shudnt spare a thought for all the people that died n their families n that, how can ya say that anyone brought it on themselves, fair enough america mite av its faults as does every nation but to say they brought it on themselves, no country no matter how fucked up or power hungry they are deserves that, god i could cry ma eyes out just thinking how terrible the september 11th thing was n theres all u lot talking about it as if ya dont give a shit, fucking hell my opinion of some of ya's has gone rite down the pan.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sept 11th Bin Laydens family are multimillionaires/billionaires, how did they get there money? Were they striving towards/living the American/Muslim dream? Wonder if all the builders & construction workers who worked for the Bin Layden family got FAT CAT SALARIES or did they get exploited The attack may not have been aimed at the people in towers,but the bottom line is they did die in the towers, was that an oversight? NO! They wanted as many dead as possible. All these anti- capitalist people like Layden/Elton/Moore etc all have vast sums of money from being capitalists. LAYDEN BUILDING CORP - BUILD FREE HOUSES ELTON - COME SEE MY PLAYS FOR FREE & GET SOME OF MY BOOKS FREE MOORE - HOPE MY NEW BOOK DOES WELL GLOBALLY I DONT THINK SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At least capitalists are honest about there goals, unlike rich anti-capitalists.
I'm sorry rachel I think u have a very naive outlook on what happened. yes it was a hideous and tragic mudering of thousands of innocent people, however far worse attrocities are commited every minute of every day by the huge multi-national capitalist corporations that run america... A few casualities on our side is almost just a tiny blot... No-one pays these murders, almost enslavements of nations any notice...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sept 11th I don't think its so simple, yes they've made money but not out of the blood of others (exclude the Layden family as Osama had distanced himself from them) and in a cash society - you need money to finance anything.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sept 11th they wanted as many people dead as possible because nothing else would burst the american public's bubble that they(america) were the world's friend, a global peacekeeper, a champion for the free, when infact, almost the opposite is true.
well im sorry too joe but as naive as i may be, i was mearly slating peoples disgusting attitudes to it all as if "aw well its only another few hundred people in this world that hav died so fuck people die all the time lets not give a shit" im sorry but that is sooo terrible, it was one of the worst things eva to happen eva IMO it was sooo sooo terrible i cnat even find words to describe it n i just think that some people shoudl show a little sensitivity to the subject instead of laughing about it and treating it as if it was all some fucking joke.
what I find even more appaulling is you make a huge song and dance out of america's minor attack and turn a blind eye to the huge attrocities they inflict on weaker nations....
1. The US funded and helped the taliban to power, they trained osama, etc. 2. No1 is saying any1 deserves to die! far from it - we're merely pointing out America commit far worse atrocities ona daily basis and no1 bats an eyelid... I agree with batfink they did have it coming - no1 is going to sit back and watch their nation get raped again and again and again.. there was bound to be a recation sooner or later... Yes it was a sad day - but it saddens me that people don't even acknowledge the inhumain crimes capitalist nations like america commit every minute of every day
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sept 11th They don't make blood money, but they are capitalists.You need money to fiancee stuff & what better way than harp on about your left wing beliefs while raking it in. I would imagine that Bin Layden & Many Sons (MERCHANT BUILDERS) were not the best of employers & as for Bin liner himself rumour was he re-hashed his stock market portfolio so he would benefit from 9/11. I take what you say on board because after America, you Jews are next on the Muslim targets list, so you have no reason to defend them.
no it isnt just aimed at u, aw dont cos i dont wanna get in am argument with ya cos i like ya n hate havin arguments with people i like n stuff its just upset me loads to think that people hav got these "dont give a shit" attitudes about something as horrible as that, yeah i know people are dying all the time n stuff but in my lifetime anyways this is one of the most horrible, evil and scariest fucking things (along with all the other stuff u were on about but that just doesn recieve as much media attention so i aint as aware of that as septmeber the 11th) that has ever happened and i could cry n cry n cry thinking about how fucking awful it was cos it reeli got to me lots so fuck knows how everyone in america/new york are gonna feel let alone the people who died's families. sorry 2 hav a go n that but i just cant believe people can be like that over something so fucking unbelievably awful. dont wanna fall out with ya or argue ova it tho cos i hate stuff like that but it just upset me that people were bin like that ova it all thats all. and ps - no he aint!! hehe!! xxxxx