ive got a few things to say first of all big up to JOE for keeping me entertained today I thoroughly enjoyed it ! Also Batfink !!! I tried to keep up as much as poss but doing IT and posting is quite a task. When I got home there have been like loads more posts andtopics and im getting stressed trying to catch up ! Next thing is (because there is no 1 in the techy geeks corner) I need to know how to resize an animated gif file in windows xp with your average programs. I have a quality one to put up and need help. I hope tomorrow will be as entertaining as it has been today !
wooooo!!! *clap clap clap* well dun joe!! lololol!! ya hav had me in stiches 2day i must admit!! and also to batfink who is very funny but i just didnt like some of ur lil comments about september the 11th :evil: u hav bin on top form apart from that tho, the both of u hav, thank u for preventing me (yet another day) from beginning my dissertation n gettin ma uni work dun!! xxxx
looks like that is a challenge set and one must try at least. gotta remember i gotta work as well i cant fcuk college up again