personal details just thinking i am new to all the palava *spelling* that goes on and dont know yous all so how about confession time. whats the naughtiest, nastiest, rudest, silliest, funniest, sor slyest thing that you have ever done in your life. this might also ease peoples concience!! (mine) I'll start. I sort of went with me mates bird a while back. wasnt really worth it and dont know why I did it but it made me get a grip of myself and stop the iccle fellas as well as give a lot more respect to people in general and also their, shall I say 'posessions.' that was hard. really hard. ur turn
Re: Re: personal details trust you lee. u can tell i wrote that in super speed. getting jiggyd up for tonight. not realising the pun. derrr
your a lucky lad, i knew a lad who lived by it, then one day,......its just to emotional I can not go on.
*sighs* i once shagged this sheep i was bored and well u know! but fair enough it wasnt to bad i hear u say but it was my dads bit fun so he wasnt happy n i got grounded 4 a month!
lee u seem to have photographic evidence of everyone in a compramising position....summat going on here. oh yes the journalist thing. oops
so you av all got no conciences and are bloody arch angels. aiii that'll be right. or its it that bad you cant post. mmm
Wendy Kidd, how tf ? u get yourself about mate. specially up here in alnwick. in fact its probably a hot spot for that sort of thing !